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Hind-Avropa dilləri şöbəsi
Rəyçilər: filologiya elmləri doktoru T.Baxşıyeva

filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru,dosent G.Hüseynova

Mansura Musayeva

National Aviation Academy,

Doctor of Philosophy of Philology,

Associate Professor


Açar sözlər: çətinliklər, ifadələr, tərcümə, felin şəxsiz forması, participle, jerund, məsdər, xəbər,quruluş, absolyut

Ключевые слова: затруднения, обороты, перевод, причастие, инфинитив и герундий, сказуемое, неличный форма глагола, конструкция, абсолютный
In the English language the difficulties associated with the translation of syntactic structures of the technical texts are explained with the substitution of complex sentences with extended simple sentences which include the construction containing non-finite verb forms: participle, gerund and infinitive. Such constructions are quite typical for the scientific and technical language, because they provide the necessary brevity and laconism of expression of the opinions. However, the constructions with non-finite verb forms will cause certain difficulties in the translation, if most of them are absent in the Azerbaijani language and, consequently, it is required to make translation with a substantial restructuring of the given construction or entire sentence.

As in the modern English the participles, gerund and infinitive have a common tendency to acquire verbal features and functions, so it is possible to make the following conclusion: 1) the constructions with non-finite verb forms can be translated as relevant subordinate clauses (depending on the syntactic function performed by the given expressions) in which the word becomes a predicate being the translation of non-finite verb forms, 2) if the participle and infinitive or gerund are in perfect or passive form, the translation of these verbal predicate forms should be transmitted; a) finished nature of the action in perfect forms, b) passive voice of the action verbs in passive form.

However, the varieties of syntactic functions performed by non-finite verb forms and almost the complete absence of equivalent structures in the Azerbaijani language leads to more detailed examination of each individual case.

In scientific-technical literature the participial constructions inserted the conjunctions (more often when and while) are often met. Such participial constructions can be used by three ways:

a) a noun with preposition;

b) participial construction and adverbial participle;

c) a complete subordinate sentence.

Participial constructions - attributive and adverbial - as a rule do not make difficulties for translation because in the Azerbaijani language there are equivalents of participial construction and adverbial participle.

When rubbed, an amber rod will attract different light objects.
Sürtünmə zamanı
kəhrəba ox müxtəlif yüngül əşyaları cəzb edir

Kəhrəba ox sürtündükdə müxtəlif yüngül əşyaları cəzb edir.

Kəhrəba ox sürtünərkən müxtəlif yüngül əşyaları cəzb edir

For the radio engineering in the English language absolute participial construction which is extremely characteristic, makes special difficulties in its identification and translation, because it does not exist in the Azerbaijani language. The name of this construction is obviously explained that at the beginning, it should be a subject independent grammatically and syntactically from the second one of the given sentence.

Absolute participial construction represents combination of subjects expressed with nouns and any forms of the participle. As mentioned above, the distinctive feature of this construction is the presence of two different subjects in the sentence; i.e., after one of them instead of the verbal predicate follows the necessary form of the participle.

As in the scientific-technical literature, the absolute participial construction usually performs the functions of adverbial modifier of time, and cause and etc., then it can stand at the beginning or at the end of the sentence; herewith, it will necessarily be separated by a comma from the other parts of the sentence.

In the Azerbaijani language this construction is translated as adverbial subordinate sentence and the conjunction is chosen for the meaning depending on the syntactic functions performed by the absolute participial construction in this case; most often it will be the conjunctions of "as" "when", "after, "as", "if": amount of capacity in the circuit decreases the condensers being connected in series.

Əgər kondensatorlar ardıcıl qoşularsa, dövrədə tutumun kəmiyyəti azalır.

Kondensatorlar ardıcıl qoşulduqda, dövrədə tutumun kəmiyyəti azalır.

Kondensatorlar ardıcıl qoşulduğu üçün, dövrədə tutumun kəmiyyəti azalır.

Very seldom, in the scientific-technical literature, the absolute participial construction is translated as an independent sentence with coordinating conjunctions, such as "and", "but" “however" "besides", "while".
The Both air-core and iron-core coils are used, the latter having somewhat higher Q’s.

Həm hava, həm də dəmir içlikli millərdən istifadə edilir, bu zaman sonuncunun keyfiyyəti daha yüksək olur.

Absolute participial construction can sometimes begin with the preposition “with”. Such a kind of this absolute participial construction is usually translated as an adverbial clause of time joined by the conjunctions “when”, or adverbial clause of condition joined by the conjunctions “if”.

With the lowest resistance added to the circuit, the circuit is tuned to re­sonance.

Dövrəyə ən aşağı müqavimətlə qoşulduqda, o rezonansa tənzimlənir. (köklənir)

It should be note that in the scientific-technical English language, the infinitive construction is very common and usually makes considerable difficulties in translation due to almost their complete absence in the Azerbaijani language.

Infinitive construction also plays a role of an adverbial modifier of purpose. This is the only infinitive construction, which has a syntactic correspondence with the Azerbaijani language. However, the translation of the infinitive as an adverbial modifier of purpose is difficult by the fact that the words "in order to…", in this case for constructing of Azerbaijani sentences is usually absent in the English sentences, and as a rule it makes difficulties to include them during the translation:

A third grid is connected between the screen and the plate to overcome the effect of secondary emission.

Təkrar emissiyanın təsirini aradan qaldırmaq üçün torla anod arasında üçüncü tor qoşulur.
Like any other adverbs, the infinitive as the function of the adverbial modifier of purpose can stand at the end or at the beginning of the sentences when emphasizes the meaning.

The infinitive, at the beginning of the sentences makes great difficulty in the translation, because students often take it for a subject, without taking into account the fact that in the latter case after the infinitive should be a verb.

The second method of translation of the infinitive in the function of the adverbial modifier of purpose is a translation of the noun with the preposition "for."

То measure the а.с. component of voltage, a condenser may be placed in series with an a.c. voltmeter.

Gərginliyin dəyişən toplananını ölçmək üçün kondensatoru ardıcıl olaraq dəyişən voltimetri ilə qoşmaq olar.

Infinitive construction as an attribute always stands after the words which determine it and can be translated as an attributive clause or a participial construction. In scientific and technical literature the infinitive in the attributive function is usually used in the passive voice. In this case, the translation of the infinitive construction of the predicative clause expressing the future tense should be translated by modal verbs that express the necessity or possibility in the Azerbaijani language.

The wire to be tested is connected to the measuring instrument.

Ölçülmək üçün yoxlanılmalı olan naqil ölçü cihazına birləşdirilir.

Infinitive as a part of compound verbal predicate is extremely widespread in the English language for radio engineering and represents major difficulties, because its translation into Azerbaijani requires reconstruction of the whole sentences. Compound verbal predicate containing infinitive can be identified by the following features:

a) The verb expressing feelings or mental state (such as to see, hear, know, say, suppose, expect, etc.), used in the passive voice:

b) The infinitive expressing the action of subject stands after the verbs in the passive voice.

A sentence containing a compound verbal predicate + infinitive, should begin to be translated with a verb in the passive voice, transmitting its meaning - indefinite-personal sentences (such as "say" "known" and so on.). Then the subject should be translated and in the translation it becomes the subject of the object clause. The predicate of Azerbaijani predicative clause is a verb that corresponds to the infinitive of English sentence for its meaning.
The maximum phase displacement is supposed to amount to 180 degrees.

Fərz edilir ki, fazanın maksimal yerdəyişməsi 180 dərəcə təşkil edir.

If the predicate is expressed with verbs “to seem or to appear”, which are used only in the active voice, so the following methods of translation can be used:

a) Compound sentences in which verbs “to seem or to appear” are translated as indefinite-personal sentences, and the meaning of the infinitive corresponds to verb of the predicate in the predicative clause.

b) Simple extended sentence in which verbs “to seem or to appear” act as parenthetical words in the meaning of «obvious", "apparently."

The worst fading of all seems to occur at sunrise and at sunset.

Siqnalların zəifləməsinin ən çoxunun günəşin çıxması və batması zamanı baş vermə ehtimalı var.

Ehtimal olunur ki, siqnalların zəifləməsi ən çox günəşin çıxması və batması zamanı baş verir.

Identification features of infinitive as part of the complex object may serve as the predicate expressed by a verb denoting/ describing human mental activity (like to think, to consider, to suppose), followed by direct complex object which consists of noun + infinitive. In the Azerbaijani language the complex object is translated as object clause, and the subject can be omitted in the translation, because in the scientific technical literature the main interest is the object of action, i.e., direct object.

We suppose the filters F and Ft to be simple oscillating circuits.

Fərz edək ki, (fərz edilir ki,) F1 и F2 filtrləri sadə rəqsi dövrələrdir.

In the English language for radio engineering the translation of infinitive with causative verbs (such as to cause, to make, to force, to permit, to allow, etc.), i.e., the verbs which have a meaning “force” or “allow” to make the action expressed by another verb in the infinitive form (in the same sentence), are quite common.

Sentences containing a combination of causative verb with infinitive make considerable difficulties in translation. We recommend the following methods of translation:

1. If the predicate expressed by «to cause», then after translating it as «to arouse, to lead to, to result» or «to produce, to generate» it should be immediately translated as substantive verb which is in the infinitive form and expresses the notion about the completed action:

This voltage causes the milliammeter reading to increase.

Bu gərginlik milliampermetrin göstəricilərinin artmasına gətirib çıxarır.

2. In some cases the translation of the verb “to cause” can be limited only by the verb “to create, to produce, to generate” and the infinitive is completely omitted.

This electromagnetic field passes through nearby circuits and causes an e.m.f. to appear in them. Bu elektromaqnit sahə yanaşı dövrələrə yayılır və onlarda e.h.q. yaradır.

3. If there are two direct objects – one is used after the verb to cause, and the other one after the infinitive, then so simple extended sentences should be translated as a complex sentence:

The inductance in a circuit causes the rise and fall of current to produce a voltage in ;he same circuit. dövrədə cərəyanın artması yaxud azalması ilə gərginlik yaradan səbəb həmin dövrədəki induksiyadır.

4. If the predicate is expressed by the verb “to make” in a sentence, it is better to avoid the translation of the verb in a word “to force” (in combination with the infinitive) because it is not acceptable enough for the language of technical literature.

For example, one cannot say that the voltage of 1 volt will make a current of 1 ampere flowing through the resistance of 1 ohm.

Məsələn, demək olmaz ki, 1 volt gərginlik 1amper cərəyanın 1 om müqavimətdən keçməyinə səbəb ola bilər.

5. In this case, the verb “to make” should be translated with different verbs depending on the context. If the predicate in the sentence is expressed by the verbs “to cause”, “to permit”, “to allow”, these verbs should be translated as the infinitive: Rotation of the search coil to the signal minimum position permits the bear­ing to be determined.

Arayıcı makaranın minimal siqnal vəziyyətinə qədər fırlanması pelenqi müəyyən etmək imkanı yaradır

6. If the verbs “to make”, “to cause”, “to allow” or “to permit” are in the passive voice, they should be omitted in translation but the verb in the infinitive (describing the action of the verb) should be translated into the active voice with ending “ir4” and have the nuance of passive voice:

If the current flow is reversed through the conductor, the direction of the lines of force will be also made to reverse.

Keçiricidə cərəyan axını əks istiqamətdə dəyişərsə, güc xətlərinin istiqaməti də əks istiqamətə dəyişir.

The verb “to prevent” can also be referred to the causative group of verbs, although it has the opposite meaning: “avoid, keep (something) from happening, hinder, preclude” any action. Translating the verb corresponding to the verb in Azerbaijani, the gerund should immediately be used with preposition, usually after the verb “to prevent”:

We must always try to prevent the heat from passing into semiconductors.

Hər zaman çalışmaq lazımdır ki, istilik yarımkeçirici materiallara keçməsin.

Hər zaman istiliyin yarımkeçirici materiallara keçməsinin qarşısını almaq lazımdır.

Translation of simple forms of the gerund that performs the function of subject or direct object usually is not difficult, because they are easily converted into a noun or an infinitive. Mistakes made in translation of simple forms of the gerund can be met only in cases of incorrect analysis of these forms because of completely identity of ParticipleI.

The presence of the prepositions before gerund is a formal feature that distinguishes it from Participle I. As a rule the simple forms of gerund with a preposition are translated as a noun or adverbial participle.

The speed of the motor may be adjusted by changing the resistance in the controller. İdarəedici qurğuda müqaviməti dəyişməklə mühərrikin sürətini tənzimləmək olar. Or

After opening the key the direct current is not interrupted in this circuit. Açarı araladıqdan sonar bu dövrədəki sabit cərəyanın arası kəsilmir. Gerund with the preposition “without” is usually translated with negative form of the adverbial participle or noun with the preposition “without”. Switch S2 permits checking the diode in both directions without removing it from the test instrument.

Çevirici diodu hər iki istiqamətdə onu sınaq cihazından çıxarmadan yoxlamağa imkan yaradır.

Gerundial construction containing complex form of gerund (perfects and passive), is rare in the English language for the radio engineering and is usually translated as applicable subordinate clause, although it is not excluded the possibility of their translation using a noun:

Direct control is not advised because of the probability of the crystal being damaged.

Kristalın zədələnməsi ehtimalı olduğundan bir başa idarəetmənin həyata keçirilməsi tövsiyə olunmur.

This rise or drop may be explained by the mains voltage being different from its rated value.

Belə qalxma və düşmə onunla izah oluna bilər ki, şəbəkənin gərginliyi normal (hesablanmış) kəmiyyətdən kənara çıxır.

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