Tuflow and estry manual Version 3

Read MI Table Links == 50

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Read MI Table Links == <.mif/.mid_file> 50

Read Materials File == 51

Relative Resistance == [ {RELATIVE} | MATERIAL ] 51

S Channel Approach == [ PRE 2004-06-AA ] 51

Storage Above Structure Obvert == [ {CHANNEL WIDTH} | ] 51

Trim XZ Profiles == [ ON | {OFF} ] 52

XS Database == 52

[ BG | CS | NA | VG ].... ! Fixed Field Flags 60

BG Data == 60

CS Data == 60

NA Data == 61

VG Data == 61

Read MI IWL == <.mif/.mid_file> 69

Set IWL == 69

BC Database == <.csv_file> 77

BC Event Name == 77

BC Event Text == 78

EB Data == 78

Read MI BC == <.mif/.mid_file> 78

Cell Size == 9

Grid Size (N,M) == , 9

Grid Size (X,Y) == 9

Orientation == , 9

Orientation Angle == 10

Origin == , 10

Read MI Location == <.mif/.mid_file> 10

Read TGA == <.tga_file> 18

Read TGF == <.tgf_file> 18

External Bndy == , , , 27

Read MI [ MAT | IWL | CnM | FRIC | WrF | FLC ] == 28

Read MI Code [ {} | BC ] == 28

Read MID [ CODE | MAT | IWL | CnM | FRIC | WrF | FLC ] == 28

Read MID Grid == 29

Set [ CODE | MAT | IWL | CnM | FRIC | WrF ] == 29

Write MI Domain == <.mif/.mid_file> 29

Write MI Grid == <.mif/.mid_file> 29

Allow Dangling Z Lines == [ ON | {OFF} ] 38

Default Land Z == 38

Interpolate ZC [ {} | ALL ] [ {} | LOWER ] 38

Interpolate [ ZHC | ZUVC ] [ {} | ALL ] [ {} | AFTER ] 39

Pause When Polyline Does Not Find Zpt == [ ON | {OFF} ] 39

Read MI Z Line [ {} | RIDGE or MAX | GULLY or MIN | HX ] [ {} | CC ] [ {} | THICK ] [ {} | ADD ] == 40

Read MI Zpts [ {} | ADD | MAX | MIN ] == 41

Read MID Zpts [ {} | ADD | MAX | MIN ] == 41

Set Zpt == 42

Write MI Zpts == 42

ZC == MIN(ZU,ZV) 42

Read File == 51

Stop 51

BC Database == <.csv_file> 9

BC Event Name == 9

BC Event Text == 10

Global Rainfall Area Factor == [ {1.0} | ] 10

Global Rainfall BC == 10

Global Rainfall Continuing Loss == [ {0} | ] 10

Global Rainfall Initial Loss == [ {0} | ] 10

Read MI BC == <.mif/.mid_file> 10

Read MI SA [ {} | Rainfall ] == <.mif/.mid_file> 11

Unused HX and SX Connections == [ {ERROR} | WARNING ] 11

Allow Dangling Z Lines == [ ON | {OFF} ]


If a breakline using the Read MI Z Line command does not find a snapped point at the end (ie. the end is dangling), but the line has at least one snapped point elsewhere along the line, this command if set to ON assigns the elevation of the nearest snapped point to the dangling end. This command may be used several times through a .tgc file to change the setting before different Read MI Z Line commands. Elevations applied to dangling ends are displayed to the screen and log file. The default (OFF option) is to not allow dangling breaklines, in which case, a paused warning is displayed to the screen and the elevation adopted is that given to the line (ie. all snapped points are ignored). This command was introduced at Build 2002-08-AC.

Default Land Z ==


Sets any previously unspecified ZH, ZU, ZV or ZC Zpts to the value for land cells only. Is useful where all the land cells and their Zpts have been removed from the GIS layers to keep file sizes to a minimum.

Note that unspecified cells are automatically set to land and that Zpts in these cells should be assigned a "flood-free" Z-value.

Interpolate ZC [ {} | ALL ] [ {} | LOWER ]


Interpolates ZC elevations where they have not been specified. If ALL occurs at the end of the command, then all ZC elevations are interpolated.

Note: If a value already exists (for example, from previous Read MI Zpts commands) it will not be affected unless the ALL option is specified.

The LOWER option sets the ZC value to the average of the two lowest of the four ZU and ZV points. This is useful in models with highly variable or bumpy topography (eg. of urban areas with buildings incorporated), as it will open up and smooth some flowpaths that were blocked by a high ZC value. The default is to set the ZC value to the average of the four ZU and ZV values.

Also see Interpolate.

This command was incorporated into Build 2004-03-AA.

Interpolate [ ZHC | ZUVC ] [ {} | ALL ] [ {} | AFTER ]


Interpolates Zpt elevations where they have not been specified. If ALL occurs at the end of the command, then all Zpt elevations are interpolated.

The “ZHC” option interpolates Zpt elevations at the ZH and ZC locations based on the ZU and ZV values.

The “ZUVC” option interpolates Zpt elevations at the ZU, ZV and ZC locations based on the H values (this was the standard approach in the TUFLOW Version 1 where only the Zpts at the H location were specified in the .tgf file).

Note: If a value already exists (eg. from previous Read MI Zpts commands) it will not be affected by an Interpolate command unless the ALL option is specified.

The AFTER option interpolates ZUVC points after flow constrictions (FC) have been set. This allows old TUFLOW models that used the .tgf file to be read via a .tgc file and retain backward compatibility. The AFTER option should be used in conjunction with the ZUVC and ALL options to have full backward compatibility.

Also see Interpolate ZC.

Pause When Polyline Does Not Find Zpt == [ ON | {OFF} ]


If a breakline using the Read MI Z Line command does not find a Zpt, TUFLOW by default (the ON option), pauses with a warning message and waits for a return key to be entered. To switch the pause off, use the OFF option. This command may be used several times through a file to change the setting before different Read MI Z Line commands. Warnings are displayed to the screen and to the log file irrespective of the setting above.

This command is useful where there are very short breaklines (for example, survey lines imported from another software which has lost the connectivity between line segments), which do not affect any Zpts.

Prior to Build 2004-03-AB the default was ON.

Read MI Z Line [ {} | RIDGE or MAX | GULLY or MIN | HX ] [ {} | CC ] [ {} | THICK ] [ {} | ADD ] ==

(Optional. For historical reasons, this command can be abbreviated to “MI Z Line” instead of “Read MI Z Line”.

See also Allow Dangling Z Lines and Pause When Polyline Does Not Find Zpt commands.)

Reads .mif/.mid formatted files containing polylines that are treated as breaklines in the model’s bathymetry. The breakline can vary in height along its length.

This is a powerful feature for quickly and easily entering a breakline feature such as a road, railway, levee, creek, drain, etc. It is particularly useful where TUFLOW’s fixed grid discretisation does not guarantee that the crest along, for example, a road, is picked up from the DTM, or the lowest point along a drain. It saves incorporating roads, levees, etc into the DTM.

The approach is to follow a polyline and set the nearest Zpt values in the TUFLOW grid to the polyline’s height.

A variable height polyline is created in the GIS by snapping the polyline to points in the same layer. The first attribute column must be a number (real or integer) representing the elevation of the points. Other attributes are ignored. If the polyline is not snapped with a point at its beginning and end, the polyline is assumed to be horizontal (the height is taken from the polyline’s attribute). Otherwise, the polyline’s grade is determined by the height of the points snapped to the polyline nodes. It is not necessary to snap a point at every polyline node – the minimum requirement is a point snapped to each polyline end. Height values for nearby TUFLOW Z-points are interpolated.

The default is to modify a “thin” line following the ZH, ZU and ZV Zpts. If the THICK option occurs, interpolated Z values are applied to whole cells (ie. at the cell centres, all cell sides and cell corners). Note: The THICK option is not available with the GULLY option.

If the RIDGE option is specified, the Z values are only modified where the polyline height is higher than the current Z values. This is useful where, for example, a weir occurs in a river and it is easier to just digitise the weir from bank to bank without having to determine where it should exactly end. The keyword “MAX” can be substituted for “RIDGE”.

Conversely, the GULLY option adjusts the Z values where the polyline is lower than the current Z value. This option is useful for ensuring low flow paths such as small creeks or drains are modelled without “dams” across their path. The keyword “MIN” can be substituted for “GULLY”.

An important distinction between using the RIDGE or GULLY option is how the polyline elevation is interpolated. The RIDGE option interpolates the polyline height by intersecting the polyline with a line extending perpendicular to the cell side. The GULLY option takes the intersection of the polyline with the cell side.

If neither the RIDGE or GULLY option is specified, the Z values are adjusted along the entire polyline length, irrespective of whether the height of line is higher or lower than the current Zpt values. The RIDGE methodology is used in determining how Zpts are selected for modification.

The HX option was introduced as of Build 2005-05-AN. It uses the same process as used for selecting cells along a HX line, and always uses the THICK approach. It is designed for setting the elevations of cells along HX lines. Note that further improvements to this approach may occur as the interpolation of elevation values when several elevation points fall within one cell is not ideal. The CC, RIDGE or GULLY options are ignored if HX is specified.

The CC option shifts polyline vertices to their nearest cell centres. This is useful when specifying a ridge line along a 2d_bc HX line, as 2d_bc lines are always shifted to the nearest cell centres. The option forces the Z-line and the 2d_bc line to follow the same set of cells. Note, both the Z-line and the HX line must be digitised in the same direction to ensure compatibility. Note: This paragraph and the CC option are largely redundant, except for backward compatibility, as of Build 2004-01-AA – see Oblique Boundary Alignment.

The ADD option adds (use negative values to subtract) the height value along the polyline to the current Zpt values.

Read MI Zpts [ {} | ADD | MAX | MIN ] ==


Reads the Zpt values from a GIS layer exported as .mif/.mid files. The first attribute (column) must be the Zpt value attached to the GIS objects. Any other attribute columns are ignored.

Any Zpt (ZC, ZU, ZV and ZH) falling within/on an object is assigned the object’s first attribute value. The object may be a region (polygon), line or point.

The ADD option adds the first attribute value of the object to the Zpts. Use a negative value to subtract.

The MAX and MIN options only modify the current Zpt value if the value is higher (MAX option) or lower (MIN option) than the existing value.

This command is similar to the Read MID Zpts command, and is preferred where an area of Zpts needs to be modified to the same height (eg. setting a proposed development to a flood free height) or adjusted (using the ADD option) by the same amount (eg. deepening a channel by half a meter). The Read MID Zpts should be used to assign individual Zpt values based on a point inspection of a DTM.

Read MID Zpts [ {} | ADD | MAX | MIN ] ==


Reads in Zpt elevation data. The .mid file must be the same format as that produced by the Write MI Zpts command.

The ADD option adds the Zpt value to the current Zpt value.

The MAX and MIN options only modify the current Zpt value if the value is higher (MAX option) or lower (MIN option) than the existing value.

The GIS layer can be trimmed to contain either only H values or only U and V values to minimise the size of the file. In this case use an Interpolate command to interpolate other Z values.

Set Zpt ==


Sets all ZC, ZU, ZV and ZH Zpts to the value specified.

Write MI Zpts ==


Writes .mif and .mid files containing the points where Zpts (model elevation) values are defined.

Use this command in the first instance to generate a GIS Zpts table from which to carry out a point inspection on each of the points using a 3D surface modelling package such as Vertical Mapper.

Export the table back to MIF/MID format and use the "READ MI ZPTS" command to read in the elevations.

For less topographic detail, remove either H and C Z-points, or U, V and C Z-points and use the INTERPOLATE commands below to calculate the missing values.

Tip: If you wish to modify a section of the model’s original bathymetry then:

  • select and save the relevant Zpts as another GIS layer;

  • modify the height values;

  • export the new layer to MIF/MID format; and

  • use the Read MID ZPTS command to override the original bathymetry.

Tip: Use this command to check that the model’s elevation data is correct. After building the topography use this command to write temporary .mif and .mid files. Import into the GIS and check the elevations are as expected. The layer could also be used to generate a DTM representing exactly how TUFLOW “sees” the data.



Sets the ZC Zpt equal to the minimum of the two ZU and two ZV Zpts either side and above and below it.

This essentially allows a grid cell to wet and dry according to when water first enters and last leaves the cell. It may provide enhanced stability in models with severe wetting and drying.

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