Health risk assessment: This includes the capacity to carry out a systematic as- sessment of the positive and negative health impacts of the use of wastewater in agriculture (microbial and chemical laboratory analysis, epidemiological studies, quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA), and health-based targets)
Health protection measures:This includes knowledge of control and protection measures of both treatment and non-treatment options such as crop restriction, wastewater application techniques, pathogen die-off between last irrigation and consumption, food preparation measures (washing, disinfecting, peeling, cook- ing), human exposure control and wastewater treatment
Monitoring and system assessment:This includes knowledge of institutional ar- rangements, observing, inspecting and collecting samples for analysis, monitor- ing of health protection measures and wastewater use system assessment
Crop production aspects: This includes components of wastewater harmful to crop production, agricultural tradeoffs of wastewater irrigation and management strategies to maximize crop production
Environmentalaspects: This includes knowledge of components of wastewa- ter harmful to the environment, environmental effects through the agricultural chain and management strategies for reducing environmental impacts
Economic and financial considerations: This addresses the economic, financial and market feasibility of wastewater use in agriculture
Policy aspects:This includes institutional roles and responsibilities, laws and reg- ulations, economic instruments, education and social awareness.
In general, the assessment has shown that the health risk and health protection measures should be top priorities on the capacity development agenda. The as- sessment also illustrated that more capacity development activities are needed in African and Asian countries than in Latin America. An example of the question- naire results is shown in figure 3. The results were discussed by different stakehold- ers (relevant ministerial departments, NGOs, local institutions, universities, etc.) in several national meetings. Based on the results of the questionnaires and the national meetings, national reports of the countries involved were developed to cover:
Current status and trends for wastewater production, treatment and use in ag- riculture at national level
Policy framework and national strategy and objectives on safe wastewater use in agriculture
iIi. Description of key organizations working on the safe use of wastewater in the country
Assessment of the knowledge, skills and competences on the safe use of waste- water in irrigation needed by individuals working in these key organizations (e.g., capacities of the extension services of different ministries to promote health pro- tection measures).