Development Aspects Impressum Editors

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3575500 litres

Minimum charge

Total litres consumed

Total litres consumed

Total litres consumed

First 20000 litres

20000 litres

0,22 × 20

RM 4.40

20001 – 40000 litres

20000 litres

0,42 × 20

RM 8.40

40001 – 60000 litres

20000 litres

0,52 × 20

RM 10.40

60001 – 200000 litres

140000 litres

0,90 × 140

RM 126.00

More than 20001 – 40000 litres

1100000 litres

1,00 × 1100.0

RM 1100.00


1174000 litres

Table 6: Water savings for September 2010 compared with March 2010 before installation of fittings

For the month of May 2010, total water savings was 9,792 m3 (March consump- tion) – 6,132.1 m3 (May consumption) = 3,659.9 m3. This is equivalent to a saving of 37.38 per cent. For the month of July 2010, total water savings was 9,792 m3 (March consumption) – 6,216.5 m3 (July consumption) = 3,575.5 m3. This is equiv- alent to a saving of 36.51 per cent. For the month of September 2010, total water savings was 9,792 m3 (March consumption) – 8,617 m3 (September consumption)

= 1,174 m3. This is equivalent to a water saving of 12 per cent. The average sav- ings over the period was about 28.63 per cent, which is much higher (2.8 times) than the target of 10 per cent. Combined, over the six month period of April to

September 2010, total water savings amounted to 8,409.4 m3. Hence, the N-Park Negalitres project can be considered a great success, and can qualify as an exem- plary BMP that should be replicated in all apartments in the country. More than that, all large buildings with a high level of water consumption should implement WDM modelled after the N-Park project.

It was interesting to find out whether the water savings were caused by water- saving equipment or by behavioural change, or both. It was deduced that the water savings were mostly caused by water-saving equipment. There are several rea- sons for this: (i) people are unwilling to make dramatic changes, especially when it comes to water usage; (ii) in the N-Park common areas, there was substantial wa- ter saving and this could only be due to changed equipment as the common areas were used mostly by visitors rather than residents; (iii) it was found that even those residents who were unwilling to change their water use patterns recorded water savings, and this could only be due to water equipment; (iv) in terms of residential water use, the 100 participating units registered a slight reduction in water use, attributable to behavioural change.

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