Development Aspects Impressum Editors

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In conclusion, it was found that the N-Park Water-Saving Project showed great successes in terms of consumption reduction of about 30 per cent (inclusive of all three components of the project). The rainwater harvesting component showed the greatest promise and saved more water than could be used. The installation of water-saving devices in the common area toilets was also a great success. Not only were water savings significant, but the toilet fittings were a beauty to behold. For the participants of the household water-saving project, many became more aware of the importance of water and enhanced their knowledge about the many advantages of WDM, rainwater harvesting and water-saving devices available on the market. Other benefits of the project include closer ties amongst neighbours, greater sense of Muhibah (ethnic harmony) amongst the different ethnic groups, as well as getting to know new friends from all over the world (Malaysian residents got to mix freely with overseas residents who were taking part in the project). This project can be easily replicated in other apartments across the country, proving that WDM is “workable”. The success story of N-Park needs to be publicized and this BMP should be properly documented and replicated in all apartments, flats, hotels and large buildings in the country. This project also proves that IWRM smart partnership between government, the private sector, NGOs and local communities is workable. High-density apartments have great potential as water savings are significant and easily achievable. Finally, it must be mentioned that a reassessment of the participants’ knowledge on water and environmental issues underlined that most of them had an increased awareness, showing that the project had had a profound effect on them.


The author would like to thank Universiti Sains Malaysia for the Long-Term Re- search Grant Scheme (LRGS) 203/PKT/6724003 for funding of the research and writing of this paper, Drainage and Irrigation Department Malaysia for funding the N-Park Negalitres Project, PBAPP Sdn Bhd for providing water consumption data, Perbadanan Pengurusan N-Park for administrative support and Water Watch Penang for running the water-saving campaign in this project. Thanks also to Hong Chern Wern, Ian Chan and Jason Chang for water auditing, compilation of reports and survey of residents.

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