Improving the competitiveness, transparency and efficiency of the utility company
Establish a procurement and contracting regime for technical consultants, inputs and work, defining the types of action to be regulated, sums, procedures, reg- istration of suppliers, bidding conditions, external audits, obligations regarding attendance and information, and proper dissemination
Impose management efficiency obligations on the company, with penalties for non-compliance, creating mechanisms to transfer the benefits of efficiency gains to users
Implement regulatory procedures to improve the capacity to impose service de- livery efficiency targets and induce companies to meet them
Without disregarding the benefits of economies of scale, analyse the technical and financial viability of separating metropolitan services by region or function, which could even facilitate participation by other service providers through build, operate and transfer (BOT) contracts, particularly for investments in wastewater treatment plants
Look at the possibility of opening up the utility’s capital to investors, or set this as a goal, with the dual aim of securing voluntary financing for investments and improving the management information system
Establish a staff remuneration system for the utility company that rewards good
performance achievement or results.
Chapter 8:
The role of water technology in development: A case study in Gujarat, India
Rajiv Kumar Gupta
IAS, Government of Gujarat, India
This article traces the historical water problem in Gujarat for both drinking and irri- gation that has affected the development of the State, caused regional imbalances and increased incidence of rural poverty. Technological initiatives such as a state- wide water grid, micro water harvesting, inter-basin transfer of water and power sector reforms have changed the entire water scenario in the State. There has been a great deal of emphasis on people’s participation in water governance as well.