Begimov Odil Tukhtamyshovich

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Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology Research Article 
Published online 2022 October Vol. 15, No.2 (2022) 
Comparative Method in Teaching the Russian Language 
Begimov Odil Tukhtamyshovich 
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor 
Aminova Zebo Pulatovna 
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor 
Yarmatova Mehriniso Azamatovna 
Senior Lecturer 
Radzhapova Nargiza Bekmuradovna 
Usmonova Umidakhan Abdukarimovna 
Department "Uzbek language and literature" 
Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute 
2022 August 10
; Revised 
2022 September 22
; Accepted 
2022 October 05 
This article describes the methodology for using the comparative method in the 
process of teaching the Russian language. The comparative method provides students with 
awareness of the meaning of linguistic phenomena and ways of their application in speech activity, 
as well as reliance on their native language for deeper penetration into their native and studied 
: Consciously-practical method, language, comparative method, comparative analysis, 
phonetic system, imperfective and perfective forms of the verb. 
One of the leading methods of teaching the Russian language in the classroom, including in the 
presence of a language environment, is a conscious-practical method, which can be considered as a 
kind of concretization of the comparative method. 
The comparative method provides students with awareness of the meaning of linguistic phenomena 
and ways of their application in speech activity, as well as relying on their native language for 
deeper penetration into their native and studied languages. 
Despite the fact that in the process of teaching the native language at school, attention is paid to 
theoretical issues, over time, this unclaimed knowledge is forgotten, so that students often find 

Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology Research Article 
Published online 2022 October Vol. 15, No.2 (2022) 
themselves in a difficult situation, not having the necessary background knowledge to perceive the 
main characteristics of the language being studied. 
The researchers, noting the peculiarities of using the comparative method, pay attention to the need 
to detect not so much similarities in the systems of the native and studied languages, but rather the 
differences that exist in the languages and become the cause of some kind of “pressure” exerted by 
the facts of the native language. 
Comparison of the native and studied languages is carried out at all levels - from the sound 
composition to the construction of a coherent text. At the same time, it seems that one should pay 
attention to the similarities and differences in the systems of languages, which makes it possible not 
to explain the understandable, not to waste precious time on the unimportant. 
In this regard, the formation of pronunciation skills is indicative . and the use of comparative 
analysis makes it possible to detect several groups of sounds: those that are as similar as possible in 
terms of articulation characteristics, differ in one way or another and do not exist in the native 
language of students - and determine the best ways to form an acceptable pronunciation, which is 
quite acceptable in an audience where knowledge of the Russian language is not the goal, but a 
means of obtaining a specialty. 
It should also be borne in mind the rules for pronouncing Russian sounds as part of a word, for 
example, stunning and voicing them in certain positions, which requires knowledge of the phonetic 
system, in particular, the opposition of sounds by deafness-voicedness. 
The main task of teaching the Russian language to students is to familiarize themselves with the 
basics of grammar and the formation of practical skills. 
There is no doubt that relying on the native language of students can significantly alleviate the 
difficulties that students face when studying certain grammatical topics. However, the differences in 
the grammatical systems of the Russian and native languages of students, the lack in most cases of 
systematic knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the grammar of the native language of 
students, can cause certain problems in explaining certain categories that are available in the 
Russian language, but are absent or differently presented in the native language. students' language. 
Thus , it is difficult for native speakers of the Uzbek language to grasp the existence of the category 
of noun gender in the Russian language, especially its three meanings. The presence of inflection, 
characteristic of the masculine, feminine and neuter gender, greatly simplifies the assignment of a 
word to a particular gender, the declension of nouns, the creation of phrases adjective + noun, but 
does not remove the difficulties due to the presence of masculine and feminine nouns with a zero 

Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology Research Article 
Published online 2022 October Vol. 15, No.2 (2022) 
ending ( dictionary, notebook), nouns of the “general gender” (sneak, ignoramus) and the 
preposition of the adjective in relation to the noun. 
However, it is hardly possible to talk about significant problems in the study of these grammatical 
categories: the skills of using the correct forms are formed when observing them in texts for 
reading, when performing special exercises. 
The process of studying the verbal system of the Russian language and such grammatical categories 
as tense and aspect is developing differently. 
The history of the development of the Russian literary language indicates that the previously 
existing system of tenses was gradually simplified; however, at the same time, the opposition of 
imperfective and perfective verbs developed. 
Difficulties in the method of presenting the verb form and the aspect tense system are generally 
associated with a number of reasons, which, relatively speaking, are theoretical in nature or are 
determined by significant differences in the structures of the Russian and the target language. 
Native speakers, assimilating the verb system from birth, do not realize its complexity and, as a 
rule, accurately, automatically choose the form necessary to convey the meaning. 
Students of the Russian language on a conscious level should get a clear idea of what are the 
differences in meaning between imperfective and perfective verbs, how a context is formed with the 
participation of a verb of a certain type, what are aspect pairs and how they are formed, how aspect 
and time are related, and much more. other. 
Until now, in aspectology, and after that in applied disciplines, there has not been a unified 
approach to the idea of what an aspect pair is (this phrase is quite often used in the methodology of 
teaching Russian as a foreign language), is there a purely grammatical opposition of verbs within 
pairs, which, when applied to the species -temporal system, are such concepts as “length / limit ”, “ 
unlimitation / limit ”, “mode of verbal action”, etc. 
Leaving theoretical disputes aside, we will try to determine the most rational ways for students to 
study national groups of the aspect category in Russian. 
First of all, verbs of motion and modal verbs should be “derived” from the verb system, since 
aspectual opposition in these d -systems is specific and cannot be considered on the same grounds 
as with other verbs. further attention should be paid to the most frequently used pairs of verbs from 
the lexical minimum, in which aspectual opposition occurs in a more or less “pure” form. 

Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology Research Article 
Published online 2022 October Vol. 15, No.2 (2022) 
It seems to us that it is most productive to demonstrate the opposition of perfective verbs with the 
meaning of the result of an action to the three main meanings of imperfective verbs: concrete-
process, unlimited-multiple, and general-actual. 
At the same time, the opposition “process - result of the process” will be the simplest for students of 
national groups to perceive: are you writing a letter now? No, I already wrote . and it is the 
concrete-process meaning, which is always conveyed by an imperfective verb, that is most 
understandable to students. 
Undoubtedly, the difficulties of choosing the form of the verb are removed by lexical “markers”, 
which are used to kind of explain the meaning of the action conveyed by the verb . This is 
especially true in a situation where the sentence is “torn out” of context and the absence of lexical 
additions can lead to an incorrect interpretation of the meaning of the verb . So, when using a verb 
in the present tense, words can be used that confirm that the action is unfolding now, at the present 
moment: Look, Anton is writing on the blackboard; I can hear the engine running. When using the 
verb in the past tense, and also in some cases in the present tense, which indicate either the period 
of an completed but not completed action in the past, or indicate the fact of the beginning of the 
action, but the absence of its completion: I read a book for three hours; We've been working for half 
a day. 
The absence of lexical markers for verbs in the past tense indicates its general factual meaning: the 
speaker denotes only the fact of the action, not meaning the presence or absence of its result: 
Yesterday I read a book (did not watch TV, did not write a letter ...). It is perhaps more difficult to 
explain to students the use of the imperfective verb in sentences like I have read this book. Very 
interesting! Here, too, a general factual meaning is presented, although it is obvious that the book 
has been read and the result is the speaker 's reaction to its content. Curiously, in another situation, 
the perfective verb can also be used in this context: Take a book, I read it. Very interesting. 
In most cases, an unlimited multiple meaning is conveyed by imperfective verbs when using lexical 
additions or verbs, the meaning of which already includes the repetition of an action: He often 
writes letters; I have spoken to her about this several times; She has been to Samarkand. It should 
not be forgotten that the repetition of an action can also be conveyed by a perfective verb (I tried 
several times to solve this theorem, but could not), but such examples should be demonstrated when 
the first skills in using imperfective and perfective verbs have already been formed. 
The meaning of the completion of an action, its result is usually expressed by perfective verbs; at 
the same time, its use is associated with the performance of a certain communicative task: we want 

Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology Research Article 
Published online 2022 October Vol. 15, No.2 (2022) 
to give or receive information about the result of the action: have you read this book? now I can 
take it; I will definitely write a letter home tomorrow. 
In a number of cases, the assimilation of specific opposition is facilitated by comparison with how 
the corresponding meanings are formed in the native language of students. Species pair can be 
non-prefixed and prefixed verbs (to do - to do); 
2) verbs formed in a suffixal way (to decide - to decide); 3) suppletive forms (to speak - to say). 
The most "pure", differing only in their own grammatical meaning, are recognized as pairs that 
differ in suffixes. Prefixes in the vast majority of cases bring additional semantics to the verb. 
Given this circumstance, experts suggest, when studying aspectual opposition, to pay attention to 
the so-called ways of verbal action, among which there are, for example, an initiatory way (sing - 
sing), restrictive (sleep - sleep, speak - talk) and a number of others. 
A special group is made up of verbs of motion. Considering them from the point of view of species 
opposition is extremely important in the national audience. 
So, verbs like walk, ride, fly are used in three meanings: 
– unlimited-multiple ( the meaning of a repeated action, as a rule, with lexical markers): I go / went 
/ will go to classes every day; 
- general factual - as multidirectional, chaotic movement: Birds fly / flew / will fly over the square; 
- general factual - as a movement "back and forth": Yesterday I went to the store. Adding prefixes 
to these verbs does not change their appearance, but it significantly affects their lexical meaning 
(compare: he often came to me in the evening; Birds fly freely over a water barrier). 
In contrast to the considered verbs like go, go, fly, denoting unidirectional movement, with the 
addition of a prefix they become perfective verbs and acquire a lexical meaning determined by the 
meaning of the prefix (reach, call in, fly over). The use of frequently used examples in the exercises 
is indicative: I visited you yesterday, but you had already left for work; Come in the evening - let's 
play chess; My friend and others liked to come to this hotel. 
Observation and analysis of the types of tense forms used in texts, including (if possible) their 
comparison with the facts of the native language, where the meanings corresponding to the Russian 
language are transmitted, as a rule, by lexical means, serves as the basis for the development of 
productive skills proper. 

Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology Research Article 
Published online 2022 October Vol. 15, No.2 (2022) 
The formation of grammatical skills and the development of skills in using the verbal system of the 
Russian language is one of the essential components of the formation of language competencies of 
students of national groups. 
1. Reformatsky A.A. On the comparative method // Linguistics andethics. - M. 2017. - S. 40-52. 
2. Schukin A.N. Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. - M., 2013. 
3 . Shmelev D.N. Problems of semantic analysis of vocabulary (on the material of the Russian 
language). Moscow, 2018. 

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