Bibliography of butterflies

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Bates, Henry Walter [1825-1892]

1850-52a. [Correspondence]. Zoologist 8: 2663-2668, 2715-2719, 2789-2793, 2836-2841, 2940-2944, 2965-2966 (1850); 9: 3142-3144, 3230-3232 (1851); 10: 3321-3324, 3352-3353, 3449-3450 (1852) [general; Brazil]

1852b. Some account of the country of the River Solimoens, or Upper Amazons. Zoologist 10: 3590-3599. [general; Brazil]

1853-57a. [Correspondence]. Zoologist 11: 3726-3729, 3801-3804, 3841-3843, 3897-3900, 4113-4117 (1853); 12: 4200-4202, 4318-4321, 4397-4398 (1854); 13: 4549-4553 (1855); 14: 5012-5019 (1856); 15: 5557-5559, 5657-5662 (1857) [general; Brazil]

1857b. Notes on an excursion from Ega to Tunantins and Fonte Boa on the upper Amazons. Zoologist 15: 5725-5737. [general; Brazil]

1858. Excursion to St. Paulo, Upper Amazons. Zoologist 16: 6160-6169. [general; Brazil]

1859a. [A letter]. Proceedings of the entomological Society of London (2)5(1): 22-23 (7 March) [general; behavior; Brazil]

1859b. Notes on South American butterflies. Transactions of the entomological Society of London (2)5(1): 1-11 (7 March) [general; Brazil]

1860a. Diagnoses of three new species of diurnal Lepidoptera belon­ging to the genus Agrias, and of one belonging to Siderone. Proceedings of the entomological Society of London (2)5(6): 110-112 (7 August) [also in Zoologist 18: 6942-6944] [A. hewitsonius, A. pericles, A. sardanapa­lus, S. mars; Brazil]

1860b-61a. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Transactions of the entomological Society of London (2)5(6): 223-228 (7 August 1860), (8): 335-361 (25 February 1861) [general; new taxa: Papilio hippason local variety paraensis, P. phosphorus, P. echephron, P. olivencius, P. mylotes, P. autosilaus]

1861b. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley - Lepidoptera-Papilionidae. Journal of Entomology 1(4): 218-245 (December) [general; new species: Leptalis egaena, L. tapajona, L. melanoe, L. erythroe, L. leuconoe, L. argochloe, Pieris leptalina, Terias paulina, T. flavilla, T. circumcincta, T. clara, T. tapeina, T. lirina, T. leucoma]

1862a. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley - Lepidoptera: Heliconinae. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology) 6(22): 73-77 (1 March) [general]

1862b. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Lepidoptera: Heliconidae. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 23(3): 495-566, pls. 55-56 ([13 November]) [general; new taxa: Dircenna epidero, Callithomia (new genus) alexirrhoe, C. zeuxippe, C. thornax, Ceratinia xanthostola, C. anastasia, C. manaos, Mechanitis (Oleria) theaphia, Mechanitis polymnia variety olivencia, Napeogenes (new genus) cyrianassa variety tunantina, N. c. variety adelpha, N. inachia variety pyrois, N. pheranthes, N. crocodes, N. xanthone, N. inachia variety sulphurina, Ithomia poecila, Ithomeis (new genus) aurantiaca, I. stalachtina, I. heliconina, I. mimica, I. satellites, Ithomia sao variety antisao, I. tucuna, I. primula, I. orolina variety aureola, I. o. variety oncidia, I. o. variety chrysodonia, I. o. variety aureliana, I. nephele, Melinaea (new genus) lucifer, M. pardalis, Tithorea harmonia variety cuparina, Heliconius numata variety isabellinus, H. eucoma variety pardalinus, H. aurora, H. leucadia, H. melpomene variety tyche, H. m. variety hippolyte, H. estrella, H. xanthocles, Eueides lampeto]

1863a. The naturalist on the river Amazons. London, John Murray. 1: 351 pp., figs.; 2: 423 pp., figs. (January) [general; behavior; ecology; mimicry; Brazil]

1863b. On a collection of butterflies brought by Messrs. Salvin and Godman from Panama, with remarks on geographical distribu­tion. Proceedings of the zoological Society of London 1863(2): 239-249, pl. 29 (October) [general; new taxa: Papilio xanticles, P. protesilaus variety macrosilaus, P. anchisiades variety pandion, Danais thersippus, Dircenna callipero, Ithomia iphianassa variety panamensis, I. balboa, I. (Ceratinia) leucania, Mechanitis isthmia]

1864a. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Lepidoptera - Nymphalinae. Journal of Entomology 2(10): 175-213, pls. 9-10 (June) [general; new species: Melitaea fragilis, M. amazonica, Eresia aveyrona, E. clara, Napeocles, Eunica malvina, E. veronica, E. pusilla, E. viola, Nica sylvestris, Catagramma miles, C. amazona, Antigonis felderi, Pandora regina]

1864b-65a. New species of butterflies from Guatemala and Panama, collected by Osbert Salvin and F. du Cane Godman, Esqs. Entomologist's monthly Magazine 1(1): 1-6 (June 1864), (2): 31-35 (July 1864), (3): 55-59 (August 1864), (4): 81-85 (September 1864), (5): 113-116 (October 1864), (6): 126-131 (November 1864), (7): 161-164 (December 1864), (8): 178-180 (January 1865), (9): 202-205 (February 1865) [Papilio belesis, P. chrysodamas, P. numitor (), P. electryon, P. calliste, P. lacandones, P. glaucolaus, P. salvini, Leptalis virgo, L. albania, Euterpe ochracea, Hesperocharis graphites, Terias longicauda, Danais strigosa, Mechanitis lycidice, M. doryssus, Ithomia (Ceratinia) cleis, I. psyche, I. salvinia, I. cassotis, I. dorilla, Melinaea imitata, Tithorea duenna, Heliconius jucund­us, H. xanthicus, H. magdalena, H. veraepacis, H. leuce, H. galanthus, H. chioneus, Acraea guatemalena, A. leucomelas, A. nox, Melitaea ptolyca, M. lelex, M. alethes, M. tulcis, M. stesilea, Microtia (new genus) elva, Synchloe gaudialis, S. erodyle, S. tellias, S. melanarge, Eurema godmanii, Eunica modesta, Epiphile plutonia, Temenis sylphis, Ageronia glauconome, A. guatemalena, A. atlantis, A. iphthime, Pyrrhogyra otolais, Heterochroa celerio, H. paroeca, H. iphicleola, H. pithys, H. melanthe, Timetes corita, Apatura thaumas, A. argus, Amphirene superba, Paphia nobilis, P. excellens, P. xenica, Morpho octavia, Brassolis strix, B. isthmia, Pronophila laetifica, P. hilara, P. napaea, P. dejecta, Taygetis satyrina, Antirrhaea casta, Hetaera macleannania, Euptychia sericeella, E. glaucina, Mesosemia gaudiolum, M. vestalis, Pheles alicia, Mesene rubella, M. croceella, Lemonias domina, Nymphidium olinda]

1865b. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Lepidoptera - Nymphalinae. Journal of Entomology 2(12): 311-346, pls. 13-14 (March) [general; new species: Ageronia alicia, A. belladonna, A. velutina, Olina mariana, Cystineura tocantina, Pyrrhogyra cuparina, P. amphiro, Eubagis leucothea, E. chryseis, E. vicaria, E. sara, E. glauce, E. paulina, E. perpetua, E. zenobia, Timetes heraldicus, T. egina, Heterochroa paraena, H. basiloides, Apatura selina, Prepona eugenes, P. gnorima, Paphia porphyrio, P. erythema, Morpho neoptolemus, M. uraneis]

1865c. Notes upon the variation of sexes in Argynnis diana. Proceed­ings of the entomological Society of Philadelphia 4(1): 204-207 (4-11 April) [general; Neotropics]

1866a. On the blue-belted Epicaliae of the forests of the Amazons. Entomologist's monthly Magazine 2(20): 174-177, 1 fig. (January) [general; description of & Epicalia batesii Felder; Brazil]

1866b. New species of butterflies from Guatemala and Panama, collected by Osbert Salvin and F. du Cane Godman, Esqs. Entomolo­gist's monthly Magazine 3(27): 49-52 (August), (28): 85-88 (September), (30): 133-136 (November), (31): 152-157 (December) [Hesperocharis crocea, H. costa-ricensis, Olyras theon, Thyridia melantho, Dircenna xenos, Ithomia hippocrenis, I. heraldica, I. adelphina, I. (Oleria) xanthina, I. (Ceratinia) callispila, Tithorea umbratilis, Heliconius octavia, H. formosus, H. melicerta, H. albucilla, Eueides leucomma, Eresia poecilina, Melitaea nigrella, M. atronia, Catagramma faustina, C. guatemalena, C. pacifica, Eunica augusta, Heterochroa phylaca, Paphia aureola, P. chrysophana, Taygetis sylvia, Mesosemia carissima, Charis argyrodines, Mesene argentea, Eurygona chrysippe, Symmachia rubina, Metapheles (new genus) dinora, Theope basilea, Nymphidium praeclarum, N. dorilis]

1866c. See Saunders, W. W. & H. W. Bates, 1866.

1867a. [A note]. Proceedings of the entomological Society of London (3)5(6): xxxix-xli (6 May) [general; mimicry]

1867b. A catalogue of Erycinidae, a family of diurnal Lepidoptera. Journal of the Linnean Society (London) (Zoology) 9(38): 367-372 (13 December) [general; new taxa: Alesa lipara, A. thelydrias, A. hemiurga, Mesosemia sylvina; Brazil]

1867c. On a collection of butterflies formed by Thomas Belt, Esq., in the interior of the province of Maranham, Brazil. Transactions of the entomological Society of London (3)5(7): 535-546 (30 December) [general; new taxa: Heliconius novatus, H. paraplesius, Olina stalachtoi­des, Cremna beltiana, C. heteroea, C. melampia, Pseudopheles (new genus) sericina, Emesis aurelia, Nymphidium sylvarum, N. chione, Theope janus]

1868a. Note on the genus Pandora (diurnal Lepidoptera). Entomologist's monthly Magazine 4(44): 169-171 (January) [general; new species: P. divalis]

1868b. A catalogue of Erycinidae, a family of diurnal Lepidoptera. Journal of the Linnean Society (London) (Zoology) 9(39): 373-459 (18 February) [general; new taxa: Mesosemia oliven­cia, M. philocles variety laetifica, M. p. egabella, M. calypso, Eurygona coccinella, E. erythraea, E. calligramma, E. charilis, E. angulata, E. mirania, E. modesta, E. ferrugo, E. clithra, E. extensa, E. violetta, Themone poecila, Chamaelimnas iaeris, C. briola, Syrmatia lamia, Pheles rufotincta, Esthemopsis celina, E. aeolia, E. lithosina, Limnas flammula, L. semiota, Orestia tapajona, Zelotaea (new genus) phasma, Z. dubia, Z. achroa, Dysmathia (new genus) portia, D. costalis, Zeonia sylphina, Siseme xanthogramma, S. sprucei, S. caudalis, Erycina miniola, Emesis spreta, E. hypochloris, E. aethalia, Cricosoma eraste, C. phaedra, Mesene sophistes, M. fuliginea, M. pyrsodes, M. leucophrys, M. fenestrella, M. paraena, M. simplex, M. celetes, M. basilissa, M. debilis, M. crocostigma, M. apolecta, M. eupteryx, M. nydia, M. pyrrha, Pachythone (new genus) erebia, P. lateritia, P. distigma, P. xanthe, P. mimula, Charis monogram­ma, C. lypera, C. zama, C. argyrea, C. venilia, C. glaucopis, Symmachia amazonica, Calydna argiella, C. tinea, C. maculosa, C. micra, Boeotis euprepes, B. prima, Metacharis cuparina, M. nigrella, M. (Echenais) exigua, Lasaia, Tharops superba, Lemonias melia, L. campestris, L. pione, L. galena, L. apotheta, L. hemileuca, L. lampros, Nymphidium ochra, N. fulminans, N. chimborazium, N. rubigo, N. mesoleucum, N. eutrapela, N. heliotis, Aricoris gelasine, A. velutina, A. disparilis, A. flammula, Theope sericea, T. lampropteryx, T. hypoxanthe, T. sobrina, T. apheles, T. zostera, T. aureonitens, T. hypoleuca, T. excelsa, T. azurea, T. simplicia, T. lycaenina, T. foliorum, T. punctipennis, T. atima, T. leucanthe, T. tetrastigma, T. methemona, T. caerulea, T. syngenes, T. drepana, T. discus, T. eurygonina, T. nobilis, Catagrammina, Uraneis, Aricoris butleri, Calliona; Neotropics]

1868c. [A note]. Proceedings of the entomological Society of London 1868(1): xi (29 April) [general; South America]

1869. [A note]. Proceedings of the entomological Society of London 1869(1): viii (26 April), (4): ix (3 August) [Leptalis; evolution]

1870. The President's Address. Proceedings of the entomolo-gical Society of London 1869(6): xxxiii-xlix (7 February) [general; zoogeography; Ecuador]

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