Bibliography of butterflies

Anken, Ralf H., and Maria Helena Pinto Bivar de Matos e Silva

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Anken, Ralf H., and Maria Helena Pinto Bivar de Matos e Silva

1996. Beschreibung einer neuen Unterart von Aphrissa statira (Cramer, 1777) aus Südost-Brasilien nebst Bemerkungen zur Taxonomie der Art im Gesamtverbreitungsgebiet (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Facetta 12: 5-12, 2 figs. [A. s. inesa]

1998. Zur Kenntnis einer neuen Unterart von Ortilia ithra (Kirby 1871) aus dem brasilianischen Mato Grosso-Gebiet (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Melitaeinae: Phyciodini). Entomologische Zeitschrift 108(3): 122-128, 3 figs. (12 March) [O. i. luiseana]


1778. Von den Insekten der dänischen Karaibischen Inseln. Neueste Mannigfaltigkeiten (Berlin) 1(4): 801-816 [Papilio plexippus Linnaeus]

1790. [A note]. Göttingische Anzeigen von gelehrten Sachen unter der Aussicht der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 40: 400 (11 March) [Papilio ariarathes Esper, P. arbates Cramer]

1800-02. The Naturalist’s Pocket Magazine; or, compleat cabinet of the curiosities and beauties of Nature. Containing elegant coloured prints of birds, fishes, flowers, insects, quadrupeds, shells, and other natural productions. With descriptions. London, Harrison, Cluse & Co. Volume 7. (unnumbered pages and 60 plates, issued in 20 parts; part [8], containing [15] pp. and [3] pls. was issued 25 December 1800) [Morpho; Brazil]

1817. A catalogue of rare and beautiful insects, being the duplicates of the celebrated cabinet of the late John Francillon, Esq. of No. 24, Norfolk Street, Strand. London, W. Smith. 12 pp. [general; auction catalogue]

1818. Insects. A catalogue of the very superb and celebrated collection of foreign insects of the late John Francillon, Esq. Being undoubtedly the most magnificent cabinet of insects that has ever been brought to sale in this country; containing many unique and remarkable specimens, and generally in a high state of preservation.London, Richard and Arthur Taylor. 74 pp. [general; auction catalogue]

1826a. Verzeichniss der Sammlung von Schmetterlingen des vor kurzem verstorbenen J. R. Franck zu Strassburg. Isis von Oken 20(1): 56. [general]

1826b. Verzeichniss bekannter Schmetterlinge von J. Hübner. Augsburg 1816. Isis von Oken 20(1): 103-104. [general; book review]

1827. Royal cabinet of insects at Berlin. Zoological Journal 3(10): 312-315 (April September) [general]

1828. Verzeichniss der zur Verlassenschaft des Herrn Senator Schneider gehörigen Insectensammlung. Stralsund, Königliche Regierungs Buchdruckerei. iv + 94 pp. [general]

1861. Berigt omtrent den Verkoop der Verzameling Van Eyndhoven. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 5(1): 47-48 (after 24 August) [auction; Brazil]

1864. Vegetationscharakter und Insectenleben im Gebiet des Amazonen-Stroms. Ausland 37(33): 784-787. [general; ecology]

1867. Collection from the Upper Amazons. Entomologist's monthly Magazine 4(40): 92 (September) [general; Peru]

[1871]. Curiosities of Entomology. London, Groombridge and Sons. 64 pp., 10 pls., figs. [general; mimicry]

1878. Entomological society. Nature 17(437): 395-396 (14 March) [general; behavior; morphology; Brazil]

1881. Wings of butterflies. Young Naturalist (London) 2(92): 290-291, pls. 23, 25 (13 August) [general; morphology]

1892. An ascent of Roraima. Proceedings of the royal geographical Society (London) 1892(4): 242-243 (April) [Guyana]

1895. Catálogo Numérico del Museo Zoológico Cubano (Museo Gundlach). La Habana, A. Alvarez y Comp. 112 pp. [general; Cuba]

1906. 'Leaf butterflies' amongst leaves. Naturalist (London) 1906(599): pls. 29-30 (December) [general]

1907. Einiges über die Dr. O. Staudinger Exotensammlung. Insekten-Börse 24(33): 145 (15 August) [general; South America]

1913. Principales enemigos de nuestros cultivos y medios para combatirlos. Publicación. Defensa agrícola (Montevideo) 4: 1-19. [Papilio thoantiades Burmeister, Pieris autodice (Hübner); host plants; Uruguay]

1915. Coconut butterfly. Bulletin of the Department of Agriculture, Trinidad and Tobago 14(2): 63 (31 March) [Brassolis sophorae (Linnaeus); Trinidad]

1916. Pragas animaes dos maracujás. Chácaras e Quintaes (São Paulo) 14(5): 842-843, 1 fig. (15 November) [Heliconiinae; life history; Brazil]

1919. Algumas pragas do coqueiro. Chácaras e Quintaes (São Paulo) 19(5): 403, 1 fig. (15 May) [Brassolis astyra Godart; life history; Brazil]

1920a. La oruga de las coles. Pieris brassicae [sic!]. Boletín mensual. Defensa agrícola. Ministerio de Industrias (Montevideo) 1(9): 223-224, 4 figs. (September) [life history; Uruguay]

1920b. Os insectos damninhos. VIII-A lagarta da couve. Pieris monuste, Linn. Chácaras e Quintaes (São Paulo) 22(4): 296-298, 1 fig. (15 October) [life history; Brazil]

1922. A criacão de borboletas. Almanak agricola brasileiro 11: 253-255, 3 figs. [Morpho neoptolemus Wood; Brazil]

1923. En levende fjäril från Sydamerika. Banan-Bladet (Stockholm) 6: 11 (15 March) [Brassolidae; Colombia]

1926. Calendario de patología vegetal y zoología económica. Circular. Ministerio de Agricultura (Buenos Aires) 601: 1-54, 6 pls., 36 figs. (8 April) [Papilio thoantiades Burmeister, Pseudosarbia phoenicicola Berg, Colias lesbia (Fabricius); life histories; Argentina]

1929. Combate à pieride da couve. Agricultura e Pecuária (Rio de Janeiro) 5: 186-187, 6 figs. (10 March) [Pieris brassicae [sic!] (Linnaeus); life history; Brazil]

1932. Entomological investigations. Administration Report of the Director of Agriculture (Georgetown) 1931: 27. [Brassolis sophorae (Linnaeus); host plant; parasitoids; Guyana]

1933. "Harry" - A man who knows jungle country. Bird and butterfly collecting in the Sierra and Montaña. The West Coast Leader (Lima) 21: 7-8, 2 figs. (7 February) [general; Peru]

1935. Correspondencia - Recife. Chácaras e Quintaes (São Paulo) 51(2): 137 (15 February) [Brassolis sophorae (Linnaeus); life history; Brazil]

1936a. Protegendo as borboletas de lindas côres. Chácaras e Quintaes (São Paulo) 54(4): 454-456, 1 pl., 1 fig. (15 October) [general; conservation; Brazil]

1936b. Further extracts from a S. American correspondent. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 48(12): 134 (15 December) [Morpho catenarius (Perry); Brazil]

1936c. Morpho catenarius and protection. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 48(12): 134-135 (15 December) [Brazil]

1939a. [Mariposas de Satipo]. Boletín del Museo de Historia natural "Javier Prado" 3(9): 125 (after 30 June) [general; Peru]

1939b. La colección de lepidópteros "Paul Martin". Boletín del Museo de Historia natural "Javier Prado" 3(10): 123-124 (after 19 September) [general; Peru]

1940a. [Insectos del Río Sanibeni]. Boletín del Museo de Historia natural "Javier Prado" 4(14): 425 (after 21 August) [general; Peru]

1940b. Borboletas azues. Chácaras e Quintais (São Paulo) 62(5): 580, 1 fig. (15 November) [conservation; Brazil]

1941. Frutales cítricos. Insectos chupadores y masticadores. Hongos parásitos. Enfermedades de la nutrición. Forma de evitar estos males y remedios para combatirlos. Buenos Aires, Editorial Atlantida, S. A. (Biblioteca de "La Chacra," vol. 9). 192 pp., figs. (20 May) [Papilio thoas thoantiades Burmeister; Argentina]

1942a. Combate biológico a uma praga das palmeiras. Chácaras e Quintais (São Paulo) 65(3): 308-309, 1 fig. (15 March) [Brassolis astyra Godart; life history; Brazil]

1942b. Butterfly notes. Natural History Notes of the natural History Society of Jamaica 1(5): 8 (May) [general; Jamaica]

1942c. Plagas y enfermedades de algunos cultivos. Continuación. Fitófilo 1(5): 38-40 (November) [Thecla sp.; host plants; Mexico]

1943. Plagas y enfermedades de algunos cultivos. Conclusión. Fitófilo 2(3): 104-112 (May-June) [general; host plants; Mexico]

1945a. A cultura do abacaxi. Agricultura e Pecuária (Rio de Janeiro) 16(264): 22-24 (April) [Thecla echion (Linnaeus); Brazil]

1945b. Butterfly notes. Natural History Notes of the natural History Society of Jamaica 2(22/24): 172 (August) [general; Jamaica]

1948. Formas recomendables de control para los insectos dañinos que atacan a las plantas útiles en el Perú. Divulgación agrícola. Estación experimental agrícola de La Molina (Lima) 10: 1-43 (September) [general]

1949. El DDT y su aplicación en la agricultura y la ganadería. La Vida agrícola (Lima) 26(304): 213-220 (March) [Eudamus proteus (Linnaeus), Pieris sp.; host plants; Peru]

1950a. Control químico de la isoca de la alfalfa. Idia (Buenos Aires) 3(25/27): 33-34 (January-March) [Colias lesbia (Fabricius); Argentina]

1950b. Andrey Avinoff. Natural History Notes of the natural History Society of Jamaica 4(42): 126 (May) [Papilio homerus Fabricius; Jamaica]

1952. [Migration of Pieridae]. Boletín meteorológico de San Salvador 1(2)(supplement): 4. [El Salvador]

1953a. Praga do "manacá". Chácaras e Quintais (São Paulo) 87(1): 69, 5 figs. (15 January) [Thyridia themisto Hübner; life history; Brazil]

1953b. Borboletas catarinenses. Chácaras e Quintais (São Paulo) 87(3): 372-373, 1 fig. (15 March) [general; Brazil]

1953c. A "Coleção Zikán". Manguinhos (Rio de Janeiro) 2(8): 7-8 (20 March) [general; Brazil]

1953d. Migrating moths nothing new to veteran insect collector. The Panama Canal Review 4(2): 4, 3 figs. (4 September) [general; Panama]

1959a. Pragas do coqueiro. Boletim do Campo (Rio de Janeiro) 15(119): 14-18, 13 figs. (June) [Brassolis sophorae (Linnaeus), B. astyra Godart; life history; Brazil]

1959b. Largata [sic] do girassol. Sítios e Fazendas (São Paulo) 25(9): 58 (September) [Chlosyne saundersii (Doubleday); life history; Brazil]

1960. Combate à broca do abacaxi. Boletim de Agricultura (Belo Horizonte) 9(5/6): 73 (May-June) [Thecla basilides Geyer; life history; Brazil]

1961. El cultivo de hortalizas. Técnica agropecuaria (Lima) 7(18): 17-25 (November) [Pieris sp.; host plant; Peru]

1962a. La piña, reina de las frutas tropicales. La Vida agrícola (Lima) 39(469): 649-652 (December) [Thecla basilides Geyer]

1962b. A Surinam portfolio. Natural History (NewYork) 71(10): 28-41, figs. (December) [general; on Merian's Metamorphosis insectorum surinamensium]

1966. Note on a name. Bulletin of the amateur Entomologists' Society 25(273): 142 (November) [Anaea (Memphis) neihoeferi Escalante; Mexico]

1967. News notes. News of the Lepidopterists' Society 1967(7): 4 (15 October) [Morpho peleides insularis Fruhstorfer, M. achillaena Hübner; hybridization; Brazil]

1968a. Additions to the 1967 annual summary. News of the Lepidopterists' Society 1968(5): 6 (15 July) [general; Mexico]

1968b. Catálogo de insectos [en cultivos] de importancia económica en Colombia. Bogotá, Asociación Latino-Americana de Entomología (Publicación No. 1). 156 pp. [general]

1969a. Thecla sp. nueva plaga de la alfalfa. Boletín informativo. Asociación de Agricultores y Ganaderos del Valle de Jequetepeque (Guadalupe, Peru) 2(22): 21-22 (March) [life history; Peru]

1969b. Principales plagas que atacan al mango, chirimoya, ciruela y lúcumo. Hoja agrícola. Sociedad nacional agraria (Lima) 32(4): 6-7 (July-August) [Thecla sp.; host plant; Peru]

1969c. Contribución al catálogo nacional de insectos del Perú. Lima, Estación Experimental Agrícola de La Molina (Lima) 1: i + 61 pp. (September) [general]

1969d. [Metamorpha and allied butterflies]. [In Japanese]. Yadoriga 58/59: 25. [general]

1970. El maracuyá. Frutal promisor para el Perú. Boletín. Ministerio de Agricultura (Lima) 9: 1-46, figs., tabs. (September) [also in Boletín técnico. Programa de Frutales nativos. Universidad nacional agraria (Lima) 1: 1-46, figs., tabs.; January 1971] [Dione juno (Cramer); Peru]

1972a. Cultivo del lúcumo. Boletín técnico. Programa de Frutales nativos. Universidad nacional agraria (Lima) 2: 1-45, figs., 16 tabs., graphs (January) [Lycaenidae; Peru]

1972b. Butterflies and moths. A kaleidoscope of living colour. London, Orbis Books. 64 pp., 10 + 136 figs. [introduction by M. W. F. Tweedie; first edition in Italian, 1969] [general; Neotropics]

1973a. Panama's winged jewels. Panama Canal Review 1973 (Spring): 3-7, figs. [general]

1973b. Ascia monuste automate Burmeister (Lepidoptera-Pieridae). Especie de hábitos migratorios. Intersectum (Mendoza) 5(2): 1-2 (July) [Argentina]

*1974. Bahama butterflies and moths coloring book. Nassau, Etienne Dupuch. 48 pp.

1975. Sociedad Mexicana de Lepidopterología. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 29(2): 107 (10 June) [new society]

1976. Zonas de interesante exploración (lepidopterológica) para 1976. Boletín informativo. Sociedad mexicana de Lepidopterología 2(1): 4-5, 1 map (January-February) [general; Mexico]

1980. [Notes]. [The] Trinidad Naturalist Magazine 3(6): cover, 2, 4, 9, figs. (November-December) [Heliconius amaryllis Felder, Mechanitis sp., Anartia amathea (Linnaeus); Trinidad]

1981. [A note]. [The] Trinidad Naturalist Magazine 3(10): cover, 3, 1 fig. (July-August) [Heliconius sp.; Jamaica]

1982a. Monarch roosts: Will Mexico preserve them? Defenders 57(2): 16-20, figs. (April) [Danas plexippus (Linnaeus); migration]

1982b. Tabulating the fauna and flora of Mexico. R & D México 2(12): 14-16, 6 figs. (September) [general]

1982c. Butterflies. [The] Trinidad Naturalist Magazine 4(5): 20, figs. (September-October) [general; Trinidad]

1983. Dundee University Trinidad Expedition. Bulletin of the british ecological Society 14(3): 114-116. [general]

1984. Ethnographic lepidopterology. Papilio International (3): 68-69, figs. (May) [Papilio pilumnus Boisduval, P. multicaudata Kirby; Mexico]

1986. Glimpses of Jamaica's Natural History. Jamaica Journal 19(1): back cover, 1 fig. (February-April) [Papilio homerus Fabricius; host plant]

1991. American Museum of Natural History completes Argentine expedition. News of the Lepidopterists' Society 1991(4): 58 (July-August) [general]

1993b. Nuée de papillons sur les plages sableuses de Quihuaro. Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat 79: 30, 3 figs. (25 October) [Ecuador]

1993a. English names for butterflies found in the southeastern U.S. and eastern Canada. American Butterflies 1(2): 27-32 (May) [general; Neotropics]

1995. Un patrimoine méconnu. Les papillons. La Semaine guyanaise (Cayenne) 584: 2, 1 fig. (2 March) [general; French Guiana]

1996. Errata. Lambillionea 96(1)(1): 108 (April) [Argyrogram-mana; French Guiana]

1997. Lives of butterflies. Andrew Brower, new Harold E. and Leona M. Rice Professor. Oregon State University Science Record 25(1): 8-9, 3 figs. [Heliconius]

1998. The Butterfly King. Wildlife Conservation 101(3): 56-59, figs. (May) [Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus); migration; Mexico]

1999. Harold Skinner: un mundo de expedición. Laser Faire 2(27): 8-9, figs. (June) [general; Venezuela]

2001. About face. Fauna (New York) 2(2): 19, 4 figs. (March-April) [Papilionidae larva; Ecuador]

2004a. Butterflies and other pollinators of Anegada. Darwin Anegada 2: 4, 1 fig. (July) [Calisto anegadensis Smith, Miller & McKenzie, Copaeodes eoa Smith, Miller & McKenzie, Cyclargus thomasi (Clench); host plant]

2004b. Butterflies. London, Quantum Publishing Ltd. 320 pp., figs. [general]

[no date]a. Prevent coconut caterpillar outbreaks. British Guiana Department of Agriculture, Folder 1: (1 leaf, figs.) [Brassolis sophorae (Linnaeus); life history; Guyana]

[no date]b. Principales insectos del café y otros cultivos (cacaotero, cítricos, coca, cube, palto, plátano y piña). Lima, Universidad Agraria, Departamento de Entomología. [21] pp. [Papilio thoas Linnaeus; life history; host plant]

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