Bibliography of butterflies

Fontenla, Jorge Luis, Elba E. Reyes, Hilda Santiago and Marbelia Rosabal

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Fontenla, Jorge Luis, Elba E. Reyes, Hilda Santiago and Marbelia Rosabal

1984. Nuevo hallazgo de Papilio polyxenes Fabricius, 1775 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Miscelánea zoológica (La Habana) 21: 1-2 (7 November) [host plant; Cuba]

Fontenla, Jorge Luis, and Rosanna Rodríguez

1990. Sistema de poblaciones de Calisto sibylla Bates, 1934 (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) en Cuba. Poeyana 395: 1-13, 1 fig. 3 tabs. (28 July) [zoogeography]

Fontenla, Jorge Luis, and Coralia S. Sánchez

1989. Variación geográfica de las poblaciones central y oriental de Greta cubana (Herrich-Shaffer [sic] 1862) (Lepidoptera: Ithomiidae). Poeyana 382: 1-9, 3 figs., 1 tab. (21 July) [Cuba]

Forbes, Alden C.

1971. See Fox, R. M. & A. C. Forbes, 1971.

Forbes, Gregory S.

1982. See Holland, R. W. & G. S. Forbes, 1982

Forbes, William Trowbridge Merrifield [1885-1968]

1924. The genus Mechanitis Fab., (Lepidoptera, Ithomiinae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 32(3): 146-158, pl. 12 (15 September) [general]

1927a. The species of Hübner's Tentamen. Proceedings of the entomological Society of Washington 28(9): 191-201 (15 January) [general]

1927b. The genus Melinaea Hübner, with a description of a new species (Lepidoptera, Ithomiinae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 35(1): 23-36, pls. 2-3 (28 April) [general; M. comma]

1927c. Exit the Tentamen, but... Science 66(1713): 396-397 (28 October) [general]

1927d. The american Catopsilias (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Annals of the entomological Society of America 20(4): 474-480 (30 December) [general; new species: C. etiolata; Neotropics]

1928a. The Tentamen versus the Tentamen names. Entomological News 39(4): 116-119 (2 April) [general]

1928b. A key to the forms of the genus Chlosyne (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Annals of the entomological Society of America 21(1): 98-100 ("March", [18 April]) [general; Neotropics]

1928c. A new Teriocolias (Lepidoptera Pieridae) from the Andes. Journal of the New York entomological Society 36(1): 81-82 (11 May) [T. andina; Peru]

[1929]. Variation in Junonia lavinia (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 36(4): 305-320, pl. 11 ("December 1928", [9 January 1929]) [general; new taxa: J. l. arenosa ("new race"), J. l. vivida ("new variety"), J. l. nigralis ("new aberration"), J. l. huacapistana ("new race"), J. l. lima ("new race"); Surinam, Guyana, Peru]

1930a. A new Mechanitis (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 38(3): 317-318 (25 September) [M. limnaea; French Guiana, Surinam]

1930b. Insects of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Heterocera or moths (excepting the Noctuidae, Geometridae and Pyralididae). Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands 12(1): 1-171, 2 pls. [general; zoogeography; Neotropics]

1932. How old are the Lepidoptera? American Naturalist 66(706): 452-460 (September) [general; Neotropics]

1933. Species and less, an open letter. Entomological News 44(9): 239-245, (7 November) [general]

1937. Butterfly geography. Proceedings of the royal canadian Institute (3A)2: 83-87 (after 27 February) [general; Neotropics]

1939a. Iridescence. Entomological News 50(2): 40-44, 1 fig. (9 February), (4): 101-104 (13 April) [general]

1939b. Revisional notes on the Danainae (Lepidoptera). Entomologica americana 19(2): 101-140, pl. 12, 1 fig. (22 May) [general; new subspecies: Danaus eresimus dilucida; Neotropics]

1940. Las danaides del norte de Venezuela. Boletín de la Sociedad venezolana de Ciencias naturales 6(46): 308-317 (October-December) [general]

1941a. The early genera of Ithomiinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Entomological News 52(1): 1-4 (23 January) [general]

1941b. Line-elements in butterfly patterns. Entomological News 52(6): 151-154, pl. 2 (16 June) [general]

1941c. What is Pseudomechanitis? (Lepid.: Nymphalidae). Entomological News 52(10): 276-277 (30 December) [general; Colombia]

1942a. On border-line Dircenna(Lepidoptera, Ithomiinae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 50(1): 37-44, 9 figs. (4 March) [general; new taxa: Hyalenna, Dircenna rufa, D. chloromeli; South America]

1942b. The Lepidoptera of the Dry Tortugas. Psyche (Cambridge) 48(4): 147-148 (March) [general]

1942c. Note on the butterflies of Venezuela Guiana. Boletín de Entomología venezolana 1(2): 25-36 (30 April) [general; new taxa: Melinaea mneme race aurantia, Napeogenes catamelas, Catagramma cruenta, Morpho achilles race tepuina]

[1943]. The genus Megistanis (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Entomological News 53(10): 278-281 ("December 1942", [26 January 1943]) [general; Central and South America]

[1944]a. Revisional notes on the Danainae (supplement). Journal of the New York entomological Society 51(4): 295-304, figs. ("December 1943", [3 January 1944]) [general; new subspecies: Danaus eresimus tethys; Neotropics]

[1944]b. The genus Thyridia (Lepidoptera, Ithomiinae). Annals of the entomological Society of America 36(4): 707-716, 2 pls., 1 map ("December 1943", [10 January 1944]) [general; new taxa: T. maxima, T. nigerrima, T. grandior, T. g. incana; South America]

1944c. Substitute food-plants. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 56(1): 8 (15 January) [Papilio thoas Linnaeus; Surinam, Guyana]

1944d. Lepidoptera from western Peru and Ecuador. Journal of the New York entomological Society 52(1): 75-83 (6 April) [general]

1945. The genus Phyciodes (Lepidoptera, Nymphalinae). Entomologica americana 24(4): 139-207, pls. 7-14 (24 May) [general; new subgenus: Tritanassa; Neotropics]

1946. The genus Gnathotriche (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), pp. 195-198, 2 figs. In: Livro de Homenagem a Romualdo Ferreira d'Almeida. São Paulo, Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia (8 August) [general]

1947. Buckeyes and Wegener. Entomologist 80(1006): 56-58, 7 figs. (26 March) [general]

1948. A second review of Melinaea and Mechanitis (Lepidoptera, Ithomiinae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 56(1): 1-24, pls. 1-2, 2 maps (24 April) [general; new taxa: Melinaea isocomma, Mechanitis polymnia solaria, M. p. mauensis, M. mazaeus beebei, M. b. bipuncta; Neotropics]

1951. Footnote on Papilio. Lepidopterists' News 5(1/2): 16 (6 June) [general; Neotropics]

1953. A draft key to Taygetis (Satyrinae). Lepidopterists' News 6(6/8): 97-98 (19 February) [general; Neotropics]

1954. Presidential address to Los Angeles Meeting of the Lepidopterists' Society. Lepidopterists' News 8(1/2): 1-4 (25 June) [Precis coenia Hübner, P. zonalis Felder; Cuba, Mexico]

1955. Lepidoptera, pp. 539-554. In: A Century of Progress in the Natural Sciences. San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences. [general; literature; classification; morpho­logy; physiology; distribution; Neotropics]

1956. On the limiting of subspecies. Lepidopterists' News 10(1/2): 35-36 (10 August) [general; Neotropics]

1958a. The lycaenid antenna. Lepidopterists' News 11(1/3): 13-14 (28 March) [general; Neotropics]

1958b. Caterpillars as botanists. Proceedings of the 10th inter-national Congress of Entomology (Montreal) 1: 313-317 (December) [general]

1960. A lepidopterist reviews the Society's support in Lepidoptera research. Transactions of the american entomological Society 85: 323-326 (23 February) [general]

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