Does he live in Moscow? – U Moskvada yashaydimi? Hozirgi zamon noaniq fe’lida to be fe’lidan foydalanilganda yordamchi fe’llardan foydalanilmaydi. Present indefinite tense da so’roq gaplarga qisqa javoblar quyidagicha beriladi:
Do you study at the Institute? - Ты учишься в институте?
Yes, I do. - Да.
No, I do not (No, I don't [dount]). - Нет.
Does your friend study at the Institute? - Твой друг учится в институте?
Yes, he does. - Да.
No, he does not. (No, he doesn't [dAznt]). - Нет.
to be fe’li va can, may, must va boshqa modal fe’llarda so’roq va inkor shakli yordamchi fe’llarsiz amalgam oshiriladi:
Can you speak German? – Siz nemischa gapira olasizmi?
No, I cannot. – Yo’q, gapira olmayman. The Present Indefinite (Simple) Tense gap aytilayotgan vaqtga bog’liq bo’lmagan holda hozirgi zamonda sodir bo’layatgan oddiy, doimiy,takrorlanayotgan haratlarni belgilash, aniqlash uchun ishlatiladi:
I live in Moscow. – Men Moskvada yashayman.
My brother studies at the Institute. – Mening akam institutda o’qiydi.
My friend speaks English well. – Mening do’stim ingliz tilida yaxshi gaplashadi. 2. Shopping is an opportunity to buy everything what we need, from food to clothes. When we do the shopping we get to know a lot of information about different goods, their prices, quality. We learn to choose products, to spend money rationally. Someone will say that shopping is an original way of spending free time. Someone will say that it's a forced waste of money. Today, shopping is a means of our existence and living.
It’s a so called exchange of money for any kinds of goods (from pins to vehicles). Thus, if you want to live in this world shopping is a real necessity for you. Everyone does the shopping: from the poor to a millionaire.