Music is a hobby that has no boundaries. It makes the world smaller. Without music, life would be a mistake. 16-biletga javoblar 1. There is , there are u yerda bor degan ma’noni bildirib, biror joyda biror nima borligini bildiradi.
Masalan: There is an apple in the fridge. Xolodilnikda olma bor.
There is/are ni have/has dan farqi, have/has biror shaxsda yoki predmetda biror nima borligini bildirsa, there is/are esa biror yerda biror nima borligini bildiradi.
There’s a boat. U yerda qayiq bor There are three fish. U yerda uchta baliqlar bor.
Oldingi mavzuimiz ya’ni 7-darsda o’tganimizda, biz sizga «is» ni birlik «are»ni esa ko’plik uchun ishlatilishini aytib o’tgandik, xuddi shunday ‘ there is – birlikdagi otni, there are esa ko’plikdagi otlarni borligini ko’rsatish uchun qo’llaniladi.
Masalan: There is a pen on the table. (stol ustida ruchka bor) There are two pens on the the table. (stol ustida ikkita ruchkalar bor) 2-savolga javob MouthShut Logo Its my pleasure to share with you my personal experience for my favourite actor in Bollywood industry it’s Hrithik Roshan.I am a die hard fan of Hrithik Roshan.The styles, looks & personality of Hrithik was awesome & better than others actors.In any movie she give her best & 100% effort, thats a very good thing.Hrithik was so talented for acting, as well as in India Hrithik was one of the best dancer.The popularity of this actor was so good & high, not only in India she was so much popler in the whole worlds for her looks & acting.Hrithik Roshan deserve 4-5 times world best & sexyest men’s award for her looks.She was populer for so many movies in India as like Khoi mil gya, Krish, Khaona pyar haa, Kabil etc.Thanks, friend’s for reading my review. 17-biletga javob 1. Demonstrative pronouns ko’rsatish olmoshlari bo’lib, biror shaxs, narsa yoki predmet ko’rsatilganda ishlatiladi.