Bir o’g’ri oltin baliqni tutib olibdi.
Tila tilagingni! Xohlagan narsangni muhayyo qilaman, –debdi baliq.
Qo’lingdan nima keladi o’zi? –debdi o’g’ri.
Hamma narsa. Mana masalan kecha bir yigit mendan 100 ming dollar so’radi, berdim, -debdi baliq.
O’g’ri o’ylanib turib:
One day a thief caught a goldfish.
"Wish your dream! Whatever you want I'll make it,” said the fish.
"What can you do?", said the thief.
"Everything. For example, yesterday a guy asked me for 100 thousand dollars, and I gave it, - said the fish.
Thoughtfully the thief:
"Give me the address of this young man," he said.
Qamoqdan chiqib kelgan sobiq mahbusdan so’rashibdi:
Sizni nimaga qamashgan edi?
Pora berganim uchun.
Qamoqdan qanday qilib chiqdingiz?
Qamoqqa qanday tushgan bo’lsam, shunday qilib chiqdim.
Former prisoner who was released from prison was asked:
"Why were you imprisoned?"
"Because I paid a bribe."
"How did you get out of prison?"
"That's how I got into prison," said the prisoner.
Uyali aloqa operatori rahbariga telefon qo’ng’irog’I orqali shikoyat tushibdi:
Allo, sizni xodimlaringiz shanba kuni tushdan keyin umuman go’shakni ko’tarishmaydi!
Rahbarning javobi:
Bir nechta xodimlarim go’shakni talashib janjallashishadi. Dushanba kuni ertalab g’olib chiqqan xodim go’shakni ko’taradi.
The head of the mobile operator received a complaint over the phone:
Hello, your staff is don’t answer the phone at all on a Saturday afternoon!
The leader's answer:
Several of my employees are arguing over the phone. On Monday, the winner will answer the phone.
Valijon, kundaligingni ota-onangga ko’rsatdingmi?
Chunki ota-onamning sog’lig’i men uchun juda muhim!
Valijon, did you show your diary to your parents?
Because, parents’ health is very important for me.
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