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Achilova Nargiza Bakhtiyorovna -
Tashkent state university of
economics, researcher
In the context of globalization and integration of world economic systems, along with
the strengthening of the political and economic positions of countries, the formation and
promotion of the national brand of the country as well as its positive image, rating and status
became one of the determining factors in its position on the world stage. The image of the
country, its perception by the world community is nowadays as important as country`s
natural resources, wealth, human, scientific and technical potential, and it largely determines
its economic, political and socio-cultural relations with other countries.
The “national brand” term was introduced into scientific circulation in 199
8 by the
English scientist in the field of branding S. Anholt, defining it as “the sum of people's
perceptions of the country in the framework of six areas of state activity, such as: export,
public administration, tourism, investment and immigration, culture and heritage,
[1] Anholt (2004) and Fan (2009) consider the national brand as part of the
national strategy for creating a positive image of the country.
National brand of the country
is a powerful factor determining its international status,
influence, political and economic opportunities, as well as internal and external stability and
competitiveness. It should be noted that Development strategy of the new Uzbekistan 2030
highlights the task of strengthening the international image of country for its stable and future
In order form the country image strategy of Uzbekistan, it is necessary to identify the
priorities of the national campaign for national branding, the key goal of which is to improve
the image of Uzbekistan with the help of marketing tools. Based on this,
the priority tasks of
national branding to promote the image of our country are
- strengthening national identity and improving the perception of the people of the
country regarding their origin: a sense of pride and patriotism that we are Uzbeks;
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