Introduction The beginning of 21st century is characterized by an adaptation of many companies for entrepreneurship on domestic and host markets. The common entrepreneurship is over the borders and the international business is more developed.
International management and business is everywhere and affects us all on daily basis. Individualsandorganizationsthereforeneedtoaglobalaswellasa local business environment and how to manage and market across cultures,trade across national and legal boundaries and plan for an ever more competitiveandunpredictablefuture. The theory of international management and entrepreneurship is taken into account as an issue of internationalization and globalization. These ones are keywords in E – Europe.
The roots of international management and entrepreneurship
We know more definitions of international management:
7 International management is concerned with ownership and management of assets and operations beyond the borders of one´s home country. The manager´s fundamental responsibilities for planning, leading and controlling remain intact, but these activities become more complicated and challenging as organizations enter multicultural environments.