Internationalmanagementisabouthowfirmsbecomeandremaininternational in scope. It is about the practice of management when a home - market perspective is no longer enough to achieve and sustain success.
A manager´s success in these circumstances depends partially on individual qualifications, such as language skills or technical knowledge. People from various nations have comparative strengths or unusual characteristics that not only heighten competition but also enrich everyone´s lives with new goods and services. A globalmanager takes an even broader perspective, seeking involvement with people throughout the world who can synthesize their talents. An international manager who participates only modestly in foreign activities, just like one who fulfils global responsibilities, must gain understanding of his or her own culture and then learn about other cultures and the values of colleagues. The managers in multinational companies (MNC) know that their management requires specialized skills. It means that the international businessmen must be knowledgeable about cultural, legal, political, and social differences among countries. They must choose the countries in which to sell their goods and from which to buy inputs. International managers must also coordinate the activities of their foreign subsidiaries while dealing with the taxation and regulatory authorities of their home country and the all countries in which they do business. From this viewpoint Ubrežiová (2007) and Pichanič (2004) explain the following terms:
Homecountry - the country in which the parent company´s headquarters is located;
Hostcountry - the country in which entrepreneurial subject implements own business activities by daughter companies;
Functionalmanager - is responsible for knowledge transfer throughout international spectrum of organization;