Learning aim C For Distinction standard , learners will present a cohesive and clear evaluation of the
results of testing using graphical and written methods. They will compare the passed,
failed and skipped tests (giving reasons why they were skipped), and suggest reasoned
improvements to the test plan. Learners do not have to rectify the failed or skipped tests
and will focus on the process of testing, and how it can be improved during the next
round of software testing. Learners will consider testing as a continuous improvement
process, in order to improve the software product and quality assurance process.
For example, the evaluation will describe the process carried out through testing by
providing a justification about why a test failed, and if any tests were skipped, valid
reasons will be given about why they could not test that functionality and why they were
not marked down as failed. If a test fails to include a key step that helps the test to pass
or causes it to fail, then it will be included in the test case as an improvement.
Overall, the evidence, such as a report, will be easy to read and understand by a third
party who may be an apprentice software tester. It will be logically structured and use
technical software testing terms and consistent reference of information sources.
For Merit standard , learners will analyse the result of software testing using graphical
and written methods. Their analysis will compare the passed, failed and skipped tests
and suggest improvements to the process and test plan. For example, a test case may
exclude detail in the key steps, causing a test to fail, such as recording the specific test
‘username’ and ‘password’ used in the test. Learners will present clear results from
testing to a development team member who can then move failed and skipped tests
towards the pass goal. For example, the tests are comprehensive and do not contain
missed steps.
Overall, the evidence, including the presentation, will be logically structured, technically
accurate and easy to understand by a development team member.