For Merit standard, learners will utilise the feedback of others to refine the quality and
appropriateness of their proposal and solution design. Learners will provide evidence
of their initial designs, a record of feedback and evidence of how the feedback was
considered and implemented. They will provide evidence that includes the initial and
refined designs. Learners will provide a justification of any changes made during the
design stage with reference to client requirements.
At this level, the proposal and design documentation should be of sufficient quality,
clarity and detail so that a third party could, with minimal difficulty, use them to create
the proposed solution.
Learners will demonstrate an iterative approach to development and testing to produce
a robust full stack solution that makes effective use of the complete deployment stack to
meet identified requirements.
Learners should clearly demonstrate how they have ensured that testing has considered
functional and non-functional requirements, and a range of testing methodologies
should be implemented to ensure the solution is robust, although some minor issues
will persist.
Evidence of testing should demonstrate appropriate use of test plans and apply
appropriate, detailed unit test cases (UTCs). As part of functional testing, at this level,
it would be expected that a range of valid, valid extreme, invalid, invalid extreme,
erroneous test data is used to effectively test the solution.
The solution will meet most of the user requirements but the implemented solutions
may not be the most efficient.
At this level, the code for the solution will have a logical structure. It will make use of
precise logic and programming structures which result in correct outcomes. The solution
will handle a range of user errors and rogue inputs to ensure a fairly robust system, but
some minor issues may persist. The code will be maintainable by a third party through
the use of mostly consistent and appropriate naming conventions, logical organisation;
and mostly informative commenting.
The solution will provide a good experience through the use of good quality user
interface design, mostly effective input handling; generally informative guidance and
messages to the user and mostly effective output formatting.