The assessment team It is important that there is an effective team for internal assessment. There are three
key roles involved in implementing assessment processes in your centre, each with
different interrelated responsibilities; the roles are listed below. There is detailed
information in the
BTEC International Quality Assurance Handbook .
The Lead Internal Verifier (the Lead IV) has overall responsibility for the
programme, its assessment and internal verification, record keeping and liaison
with the Standards Verifier, ensuring our requirements are met. The Lead IV
registers with Pearson annually. The Lead IV acts as an assessor, standardises
and supports the rest of the assessment team, making sure that they have the
information they need about our assessment requirements and organises
training, making use of our standardisation, guidance and support materials.
Internal Verifiers (IVs) oversee all assessment activities in consultation with the
Lead IV. They check that assignments and assessment decisions are valid and
that they meet our requirements. IVs will be standardised by working with the
Lead IV. Normally, IVs are also assessors but they do not verify their own
Assessors set or use assignments to assess learners. Before making any
assessment decisions, assessors participate in standardisation activities led by
the Lead IV. They work with the Lead IV and IVs to ensure that the assessment
is planned and carried out in line with our requirements.
Effective organisation Internal assessment needs to be well organised so that the progress of learners can be
tracked and so that we can monitor that assessment is being carried out. We support
you through, for example, providing training materials and sample documentation.
Our online Pearson Progress service can help support you in planning and record
keeping. Further information on using Pearson Progress can be found in
Section 10 Resources and support , and on our website.
It is particularly important that you manage the overall assignment programme and
deadlines to make sure that learners are able to complete assignments on time.