Further information for teachers and assessors Resource requirements For this unit, learners must have access to:
a wide range of research resources, largely text and internet based, including
appropriate regulations
industry standard software, e.g. Packet Tracer, OpenNMS®, Zenoss® Core IP
Scanner, Total Network Monitor, operating systems for servers, including open
source versions and Mac OS® where possible
an IT system(s), including as a minimum, Linux®-based and Windows®-based
systems and where possible Mac-based.
Essential information for assessment decisions Learning aim A For Distinction standard, learners will evaluate the support and management needs
and characteristics of at least two different IT systems. The systems will be different in
their nature, for example the numbers of users and the IT skill level of the users might
be different. The systems may also be different in the way support is provided, for
example in-house or outsourced. Learners’ evaluation will include a comparison of the
support and management provided and will give clear, reasoned justification of where
improvements might be possible. For example, a support team managing a system with
a large number of non-expert IT users might develop online training materials to update
users’ skills with the latest version of office software.
Learners will produce a clear and balanced evaluation that will be logically structured
and easy to understand by a third party who may not be an IT professional. Technical
language must be fluent and accurate throughout, along with a good standard of
grammar and spelling.
For Merit standard , learners will compare the support and management needs and
characteristics, including the purpose and nature, safe working practice, job roles and
tools used, to support and manage at least two different IT systems. For example, in
an office-based environment such as telesales, there is typically significant in-house
IT support as many users will not be IT experts and the systems are business critical,
whereas in a software development company, IT support is likely to be minimal as
most users are likely to be experts.
Overall, the comparison will be clear and logically structured, technically accurate and
easy to understand.