For illustration, consider an ARCH(1). Instead of the above, we can write
yt = 1 + 2x2t + ... + kxkt + ut , ut = vtt
, vt N(0,1)
The two are different ways of expressing exactly the same model. The first form is easier to understand while the second form is required for simulating from an ARCH model, for example.
1. First, run any postulated linear regression of the form given in the equation
above, e.g. yt = 1 + 2x2t + ... + kxkt + ut
saving the residuals, .
2. Then square the residuals, and regress them on q own lags to test for ARCH
of order q, i.e. run the regression
where vt is iid.
Obtain R2 from this regression
3. The test statistic is defined as TR2 (the number of observations multiplied by the coefficient of multiple correlation) from the last regression, and is distributed as a 2(q).