Table 2.2. Barriers and opportunities for digital transformation of tourism SMEs
Uptake of technologies
Lack of access to digital infrastructure can slow digitalisation processes
Lack of availability of high speed broadband in regional and rural areas can impede business operations
Lack of availability of high speed Wi-Fi connection can impede visitor experience innovation
Innovation and customisation of products, services and experiences increases visitor satisfaction
Increased connectivity facilitates scaling, market reach, product and service innovation
Access to resources
Lack of access to capital or eligibility to apply for traditional loan products
Absence of skills and expertise and lack of resources to support skills development and training
Co-operative funding initiatives reduce initial costs and reduce perception of risk
Policy supports where technologies can be trialled, costs shared and network support developed
Information exchange, learning and research
Restructuring of workforce – fewer frontline jobs and demand for ICT expertise growing
Demand for new skill sets may not be available and SMEs may not have resources to employ experts and consultants
Collaborative programmes incentivise universities to work with business and government toward digital transformation
Technologies enhance production of data driven business planning
Business Innovation
Business models, culture and practices influence willingness to transform
Data Protection Regulations (e.g. EU) and privacy requirements exacerbate the challenge of data collection, analysis and storage
Lifestyle and micro-businesses tend to be risk averse
Incubators, accelerators labs that encourage collaboration between tech and tourism companies improve openness to innovation
Enhancing the focus on travel-tech as opposed to the process of building a start-up will benefit tourism
Perceptions of risks and benefits
Uncertain benefits, fear and anxiety of the unknown in relation to costly or novel technologies
Demands of day-to-day operations take away from strategic management and create time pressures
Demonstration projects that provide hands-on awareness raising of the benefits of digital technologies
Timely and evidence-based decision-making from enhanced data collection and analytics
Source: OECD country survey results; Dredge et al., (2018); European Commission (2016).