This is a lab item in which tasks will be performed on virtual devices.
+ Refer to the Tasks tab to view the tasks for this lab item.
+ Refer to the Topology tab to access the device console(s) and perform the tasks.
+ Console access is available for all required devices by clicking the device icon or using the tab(s) above the console window.
+ All necessary preconfigurations have been applied.
+ Do not change the enable password or hostname for any device.
+ Save your configurations to NVRAM before moving to the next item.
+ Click Next at the bottom of the screen to submit this lab and move to the next question.
+ When Next is clicked, the lab closes and cannot be reopened.
All physical cabling between the two switches is installed. Configure the network connectivity between the switches using the designated VLANs and interfaces.
Configure VLAN 100 named Compute and VLAN 200 named Telephony where required for each task.
Configure Ethernet0/1 on SW2 to use the existing VLAN named Available.
Configure the connection between the switches using access ports.
Configure Ethernet0/1 on SW1 using data and voice VLANs.
Configure Ethernet0/1 on SW2 so that the Cisco proprietary neighbor discovery protocol is turned off for the designated interface only.
Note: You can download the Packet Tracer file of this sim here to practice. Please open it with Packet Tracer v8.1.1.0022 or newer.