6 soni haqiqatdan qudratli son bo`lib, berilgan a va b butun
sonlardan biri 6 ga teng bo`lsa, ularning yig`insisi yoki ayirmasi 6
ga teng bo`lsa true qiymat qabul qilsin. Eslatma! Math.abs(num)
absolyut qiymat qaytaradi.
love6(6, 4) → true
love6(4, 5) → false
love6(1, 5) → true
Given a number n, return true if n is in the range 1..10, inclusive. Unless
outsideMode is true, in which case return true if the number is less or equal
to 1, or greater or equal to 10.
Berilgan n butun son agar 1…10 oraliqda o`zgarsa true qiymat
qaytarilsin. Agar “outsideMod” true qiymat qabul qilsa va berilgan
butun son 1 dan kam yoki teng bo`lsa, yoki 10 dan kata yoki teng
bolsa ham true qiymat qaytarilsin.
in1To10(5, false) → true
in1To10(11, false) → false
in1To10(11, true) → true
We'll say a number is special if it is a multiple of 11 or if it is one more than
a multiple of 11. Return true if the given non-negative number is special.
Use the % "mod" operator -- see
Introduction to Mod
Agar berilgan son 11 ning ko`paytmasi yoki ko`paytmasidan 1 taga
ortiq bo`lsa true qiymat qaytarilsin.
specialEleven(22) → true
specialEleven(23) → true
specialEleven(24) → false
Return true if the given non-negative number is 1 or 2 more than a multiple
of 20. See also:
Introduction to Mod
Agar berilgan son 20 ning ko`paytmasidan 1 yoki 2 ga ortiq bo`lsa
true qiymat qaytarilsin.
more20(20) → false
more20(21) → true
more20(22) → true
Return true if the given non-negative number is a multiple of 3 or 5, but not
both. Use the % "mod" operator -- see
Introduction to Mod