qaytarilsin. Qolgan barcha hollarda str o`zgarishsiz qaytsin. fizzString("fig") → "Fizz"
fizzString("dib") → "Buzz"
fizzString("fib") → "FizzBuzz"
Given an int n, return the string form of the number followed by "!". So the int 6
yields "6!". Except if the number is divisible by 3 use "Fizz" instead of the number,
and if the number is divisible by 5 use "Buzz", and if divisible by both 3 and 5, use
"FizzBuzz". Note: the % "mod" operator computes the remainder after division, so
23 % 10 yields 3. What will the remainder be when one number divides evenly into
another? (See also:
FizzBuzz Code
Introduction to Mod
Butun n soni berilgan, shu songa “!” belgisini qo`shib string qiymat qaytaring. Masalan n=6 bo`lganda, “6!” qiymat qaytarilsin. Agar berilgan butun son 3 ga qoldiqsiz bo`linsa “Fizz” so`zi , 5 ga qoldiqsiz bo`linsa “Buzz” so`zi, agarda ham 3 ga va 5 ga qoldiqsiz bo`linsa “FizzBuzz” so`zi n son o`rniga qaytarilsin. fizzString2(1) → "1!"
fizzString2(2) → "2!"
fizzString2(3) → "Fizz!"
Given three ints, a b c, return true if it is possible to add two of the ints to
get the third.
Uchta a, b, c butun son berilgan, agar istalgan 2 ta sonni qo`shib uchinchisini olish mumkin bo`lsa true qiymat qaytarilsin.
twoAsOne(1, 2, 3) → true
twoAsOne(3, 1, 2) → true
twoAsOne(3, 2, 2) → false
Given three ints, a b c, return true if b is greater than a, and c is greater
than b. However, with the exception that if "bOk" is true, b does not need to
be greater than a.
Uchta a, b, c butun sonlar berilgan. Agar b son a dan va c son b dan kata bo`lsa true qiymat qaytarilsin. Istisno sifatida agar “bOk” true