Hygiene of children and teenagers 1. tasks of hygiene of children and adolescents:
1. study of patterns of growth and development of children;
2. development of hygienic bases for various types of children's activities;
3 study of the impact of working conditions on life expectancy
4. study of children's diets;
2. the most intensive processes of growth and development at the age of:
1. chest;
2. preschool;
3. primary school;
4. adolescent;
3. To characterize physical development are used:
1. somatometric signs;
2. psychometric signs;
3. proofreading tests;
4. organoleptic signs
4. To characterize physical development are used:
1. psychometric signs;
2. somatoscopic signs;
3. proofreading tests;
4. organoleptic signs
5. Somatometric signs of physical development include:
1. growth, body weight;
2. vital capacity of the lungs;
3. degree of fat deposition;
4.sexual development.
6. To somatoscopic characteristics of physical development include:
1. chest circumference;
2. chest shape;
3. the size of the foot;
4. pulse.
7.Physiometric signs of physical development include:
1. growth;
2. body weight;
3. muscle strength;
4. the condition of the skin.
8. Growth and development processes of children is called:
1. stagnation;
2. deceleration;
3. acceleration;
4. gracilization;
9. Acceleration of physical development is characterized by:
1. accelerated growth;
2. increasing immunity;
3. changing the blood formula;
4. acceleration of motor skills.
10. Is it true that 50% of school-age children have
deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system:
1. Yes;
2. there are no deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system;
3. no, at 35%;
4. no, at 75%;
11. What percentage of children entering school already have chronic
1. less than 10%;
2. 10-20%;
3. 20-40%;
4. 30-35%;
12. In the day mode for children 3-4 years old sleep duration is provided:
1. 10 hours;
2. 9 hours;
3. 8 hours;
4. 12 hours
13. In the day mode, children 5-6 years old are provided with a sleep duration of:
1. 8 hours;
2. 9 hours;
3. 10 hours;
4. 11.5 hours
14. For students in grades 1-4, sleep duration:
1. 8-9 hours;
2. 9-10 hours;
3. 10-11 hours;
4. 7 hours;
15. Occupancy of groups of children from 2 to 3 years:
1. 15 children;
2. 20 children;
3. 25 children;
4. 30 children;
16. Occupancy of groups of children from 3 to 6 years:
1. 15 children;
2. 20 children;
3. 25 children;
4. 30 children
17. Room temperature for children from 2 to 3 years:
1. +18°C;
2. +19°C;
3. +20°C;
4. +21°C;
18. Optimal relative humidity in rooms for children
preschool education institutions ( % ):
1. 20;
2. 30;
3. 40;
4. 45;
19. Area per student seat in the classroom (m2):
1. 1.0;
2. 1,25;
3. 3,3;
4. 2,5;
20. The minimum standard of living space in a dormitory for 1 student is
1. 7;
2. 4;
3. 5;
4. 6;
21. Optimal microclimate indicators for a school class:
1. air temperature 18°C, relative humidity 50%, speed of movement
air 0,2 m/s;
2. air temperature 21°C, relative humidity 70%, speed of movement
air 0.6 m / s;
3. air temperature 23°C, relative humidity 80%, speed of movement
air 0,7 m/s;
4. air temperature 17°C, relative humidity 40%, speed of movement
air 0,7 m/s;
22. The highest efficiency of primary school children is noted:
1. in the first lesson;
2. in the second lesson;
3. in the third lesson;
4. in the fourth lesson;
23. What indicator is taken into account when selecting a Desk for a student:
1. age;
2. Shin length;
3. the length of the body;
4. theanteroposterior diameter of the trunk;
24. The qualitative side of the physiological norms of nutrition indicates:
1. how much should be contained in the diet of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins,
mineral substances;
2. what products should come with certain components of food;
3. what proportion of the energy consumption of the body is a specific dynamic
food action;
4. what proportion of the body's energy consumption is the energy consumption in the process
25. A balanced diet for children includes:
1. food quality;
2. power mode;
3. compliance of energy consumption with the energy value of the daily diet;
4. optimal ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrates;
26. A method that allows you to get a foot print to determine its shape,
1. somatometry;
2. plantography;
3. the-old functional status;
4. the centile method;
27. Specify which factor determines your health by 50%:
1. healthy lifestyle;
2. state of the environment;
3. heredity;
4. health care status;
28. Find a physiometric parameter among those given below:
Vital lung capacity
Chest circumference
head circumference
29. What are the indicators necessary for assessment of physical development by regression scales?
number of permanent teeth