maintained by the CDC, as are venti- lators and other emergency equip- ment needed to respond to situations of large numbers of critically ill per- sons that strip local and state re- sources.30
Management of Special Groups
Pregnant Women. In a contained casu- alty situation, short courses of gentami- cin are likely to pose a low risk to fetuses when used to treat tularemia in preg- nant women (Table 2). Rare cases of fetal nerve deafness and renal damage have been reported with other aminoglyco- sides but have not been reported with gentamicin. The benefits of gentamicin in treating pregnant women with tula- remia are expected to outweigh any potential risk to fetuses. In a mass casu- alty situation, oral ciprofloxacin is con- sidered the best alternative to gentami- cin for pregnant women (Table 3).