5. Conclusion The simulation of a parallel Hybrid electric powertrain was completed. The method of the simulation
was that the engine was powering the wheels to maintain a speed and the vehicle was accelerated and
deaccelerate by electric motor, engine was not used to accelerate or deaccelerate. The electric motor was
commanded by a speed command strategy and speed controller. The engine was having a constant power
due constant throttle. And the power and speed of both engine and motor were determined for 200s step
time. The power curves showed that the vehicle has the electrical power which is higher than the engine
power and it proves that the vehicle can also accelerate at high speed with only the electric motor. The
electric motor also uses the regenerative brake to absorbs some of the power to recharge the battery.
And the charging level of battery was also measured with respect to time it also shows that the battery.
The charge level also decreases with the time due to increase in motor power and the it also gains some
power during the deacceleration due
also increases and decreases as per the figures discussed above with respect to the
electric motor acceleration and deacceleration respectively, which shows the output of the simulation as
speed of the vehicle. The simulation shows that the vehicle can run on electric motor independently for
performance requirement in parallel mode of HEV powertrain. According to studied research [3],[4],[5],
it can be concluded that PHEV improves the fuel economy as well as engine efficiency in standard
driving cycle as well as real world driving cycle. The improvement in engine efficiency also increased
the life span of the engine. Therefore, from all the about research and simulation done it can be stated
that the PHEV or HEV has very promising potential solution for improvement of fuel economy than the
ICEV conventional vehicles.