Content Introduction Chapter 1 Theoretical foundations for the formation of universal educational activities among primary school students

Computer as a multimedia tool for teaching mathematics, contributing to the formation of cognitive universal educational activities

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designing assignments using multimedia materials tayyorr

2.3. Computer as a multimedia tool for teaching mathematics, contributing to the formation of cognitive universal educational activities
The introduction of early learning of information and communication technologies in the educational process is due to the requirements of the new state standard of primary general education. Every educated person, especially a modern teacher, must have at least elementary knowledge, skills and abilities to work on a personal computer, that is, be informationally competent. The use of a computer in the educational process (the introduction of new information technologies) is an attempt to offer one of the ways that can intensify the educational process, optimize it, arouse the interest of students in studying the subject, implement the ideas of developmental education, increase the pace of the lesson, and increase the amount of independent work. That contributes to the development of logical thinking, a culture of mental work, the formation of independent work skills, and also has a significant impact on the motivational sphere of the educational process, its activity structure. A computer - this is an operational means of visualization in teaching, an assistant in developing the practical skills of students, in organizing and conducting a survey and monitoring of schoolchildren, as well as monitoring and evaluating homework, in working with diagrams, tables, etc., in editing texts and correcting errors in student work. In the lessons, when using a computer, the following cognitive universal learning activities are developed:

  • arbitrarily and consciously master the general method of solving problems;

  • to search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks;

  • use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve educational problems;

  • focus on a variety of ways to solve problems;

  • be able to analyze objects with the allocation of essential and non-essential features

  • be able to carry out synthesis as a compilation of a whole from parts;

  • be able to compare, serialize and classify according to specified criteria;

  • be able to establish causal relationships;

  • be able to build reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object, its structure, properties and relationships;

  • be able to establish analogies;

  • own the general method of solving educational problems;

  • to carry out an extended search for information using Internet resources;

  • create and transform models and schemes to solve problems;

  • be able to choose the most effective ways to solve educational problems depending on specific conditions.

A feature of computer learning is the step-by -step independent activity of students, which contributes to the activation of the educational process, as well as the presence of operational feedback, on the basis of which individualization and differentiation of training is possible. The use of information technology in the classroom in elementary school makes it possible for any of the students to express themselves, while the student chooses the forms of work for himself. So, children with mathematical abilities often work on the production of software products - presentations. There is no doubt that in a modern school a computer does not solve all problems, it remains only a multifunctional technical teaching aid. No less important are modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process, which allow not only to “invest” in each student a certain amount of knowledge, but, first of all, to create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity of students. Information technologies, together with properly selected (or designed) learning technologies, create the necessary level of quality, variability, differentiation and individualization of education and upbringing. When mastering cognitive universal educational actions, the computer plays a key role in such general educational universal actions as:
• search for information;
• fixation (recording) of information using various technical means;
• structuring information in the form of diagrams , maps, timelines, etc.;
• creation of simple hypermedia messages;
• construction of the simplest models of objects and processes.
Activities based on multimedia educational materials are focused on the formation of skills to conduct: observations, educational experiment, work out the information received. But the main result of the use of multimedia educational materials is the activation of students in their cognitive independence, that is, the formation of universal educational activities.
The reasonable use of visual teaching aids in lesson activities plays an important role in the development of cognitive UUD.
Cognitive UUD include: general educational , logical, actions of setting and solving problems.
Consider the cognitive UUD formed in students when using a computer in the classroom. These include: search, collection, and storage of collected information, information transfer, action with sign-symbolic means (replacement, coding, decoding, modeling), etc. Students learn to build algorithms, classify and generalize, work a lot with concepts. Learn to convert textual information into a table, diagram, figure, diagram. They learn to encode and decode information, create models (information and computer).
For the development of logical cognitive UUD, it is necessary to include logical tasks solved using reasoning, building Euler circles, truth tables, creating models: tables, diagrams, graphs, trees.
An important tool for the development of cognitive UUD is computer modeling. The creation of a computer model includes the following steps:

  • formulation of the problem;

  • construction, analysis and evaluation of the model;

  • development and execution of the algorithm within the framework of this model;

  • analysis and use of results.

Computer modeling is interdisciplinary in nature. In the process of modeling, students form such UUDs as analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification of objects, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, construction of a logical chain of reasoning, proof, hypotheses and their justification, reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results activities.
The richest opportunities for the formation of cognitive universal educational activities are presented by modern information computer technologies. Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, ICTs allow not only to saturate the student with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, properly organized knowledge, but also to develop the intellectual and creative abilities of students. The visibility of the material increases its assimilation, because. all channels of perception of students are involved - visual, mechanical, auditory and emotional. The use of multimedia presentations is advisable at any stage of the study of the topic and at any stage of the lesson. Also, there may be situations in which it would make sense to first review the section or only demonstrate the desired topic without deepening and accumulating knowledge or skills, and further deepening and improving the skills of using the desired topic can be done through self-education. This form allows you to present the educational material as a system of bright reference images, which makes it easier to memorize and assimilate the material being studied. The presentation of educational material in the form of a multimedia presentation reduces the time of learning, frees up the resources of children's health. Pupils are attracted by the novelty of holding such moments in the lesson, it arouses interest. A computer is a universal tool, it can be used as a calculator, a simulator, a means of monitoring and evaluating knowledge and modeling tools, and, in addition, it is an ideal electronic board. An important methodological task in terms of using a computer is teaching problem solving, as well as some basic methods of mathematical operations, algorithms. In addition to the direct use of computer programs for educational purposes, there are opportunities to use multi-libraries and the World Wide Web, which are available to students at any time. A computer lesson is characterized, first of all, by the intensity of computer use, which can be estimated by the percentage of time students communicate with a computer in relation to the entire time of the lesson. Changing the technology of obtaining knowledge based on such important didactic properties of a computer as individualization and differentiation of the educational process while maintaining its integrity; leads to a fundamental change in the role of the teacher. His main competence is the role of assistant, consultant. The computer practically solves the problem of individualization of learning. Usually students, who are slower than their comrades to learn the teacher's explanations, are embarrassed to raise their hands and ask questions. Having a computer as a partner, they can repeatedly repeat the material at a pace convenient for themselves and control the degree of its assimilation. The computer significantly expands the possibilities of presenting information. The leading role in the formation of cognitive UUD is played by the selection of content, the development of a specific set of the most effective, vivid and interesting learning tasks for students. Such tasks for students of different ages can be working with Internet resources. The Internet itself attracts the attention of people of different ages with its communication capabilities, but it is unreasonable to reduce its capabilities only to communication with friends and borrowing the necessary information from information sites. The Internet is a huge storehouse of knowledge, but it can take too much time to find the right one. The teaching methods and methods of organizing educational activities chosen by the teacher are designed to ensure the organization of students' activities to achieve the goals and objectives of the lesson. The teacher chooses methods depending on the goals and objectives of the lesson, its content, the specifics of working with specific students. The main criterion for the optimal choice of a method is its effectiveness (qualitative achievement of the final planned result of education). Whatever method of teaching the teacher chooses to achieve the result, during its use there will always be a place for a computer and the opportunity it provides to access the global Internet. Each teacher has his own developments in the use of textual, illustrative and other didactic material for the formation and improvement of universal educational activities. It remains only to add Internet resources to them , competently use them in your work, find a place for them in your own methodological baggage. This develops the ability to search for information using Internet resources and their processing. The computer allows you to increase the motivation for learning. Assimilation of knowledge related to a large amount of digital and other specific information through active dialogue with a personal computer is more effective and interesting for the student than studying the boring pages of a textbook. With the help of training programs, a student can simulate real processes, which means he can see causes and effects, understand their meaning.
The initial acquaintance of younger students with a computer, as a rule, is carried out in the process of using educational game programs, training and training programs. In the process of working with such software, students not only work out the basic user skills and skills of independent work, but also improve the quality of knowledge in the most important school disciplines, and also develop skills such as:

  • arbitrarily and consciously master the general method of solving problems;

  • be able to carry out synthesis as a compilation of a whole from parts;

  • be able to establish causal relationships;

  • own the general method of solving educational problems;

  • educational tasks depending on specific conditions.

be able to choose the most effective solutions.
An important part of the learning process is the control of knowledge through testing students. The computer is also able to determine the level of knowledge in such a short time, which saves time in the lesson. The use of ICT competence of students makes it possible to form UUD within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, to expand the level of individualization of education, awakening in students the desire for in-depth study of educational material, the development of students' creative abilities, and is also the most important condition for improving the quality of education.The use of a computer by younger students in their activities has a significant impact on various aspects of their mental development. A number of new activities are emerging that are closely related to the use of computers: computer design, creative experimentation, imagination games, etc. Processes such as thinking, representation, perception, memory are manifested in their entirety.
When using a computer in the classroom, students develop an operational style of thinking, which is a combination of such skills and abilities as planning the structure of actions and searching for information, building information models. Younger students, acquiring user skills in a timely manner, will then be able to use the computer as a tool in their activities; subject lessons using a PC will not cause any difficulties for them. Mastering the basics of computer knowledge has a beneficial effect on the formation of the student's personality. Younger students are actively discussing new computer programs and games, their achievements and failures when performing difficult tasks. Thus, with using ICT in the classroom, the educational process is aimed at developing logical and critical thinking, imagination, independence. Children are interested, attached to creative search; the mental activity of everyone is activated. In children , cognitive, personal, regulatory UDD are easier to form. The learning process becomes not boring, monotonous, but creative. And the emotional background of the lesson becomes more favorable, which is very important for the educational activity of the child.

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