CHAPTER-I 3 Analytical Tools for Grammatical Meaning 1.1 Basic methods of expressing grammatical meanings Grammatical meanings are expressed by various means (grammatical indicators): 1) complete; 2) constructive additions and prefixes; 3) stress; 4) exchange of sounds; 5) prepositions; 6) intonation; 7) Auxiliary words.
The endings denote: a) the meaning of the noun, adjective, participle, rhyme, gender, number and case: blue sky, blue sky; flying birds, flying birds, flying birds; our-a school-a, our-at ichkol-y, b) the meaning of the number verb: dv-a, dv-wh, dv-um, dv-umya; five-0, five and five; c) the meaning of the verb person, number and gender: sij-u, sid-ish, sid-yat; sat-a, sat-and would.
One ending can represent: a) only one grammatical meaning: tr-i, tr-ex, tr-em / seb-i, so-oh (case meaning); read-and, write-and (meaning of number); b) two grammatical meanings: read-0, read-a (gender and number meanings); ink, ink, (number, status meaning); c) three grammatical meanings: red fox, high house-0 (gender, number and case meanings).
It is formed by the suffix: a) the past tense form of the verb: dum-l, vide-l, paha-l; b) forms of species: study - recognition-and-t, write - record (non-Soviet type); c) comparative and high-level forms of adjectives: white - white-ee, low - red-aish-iy.
In some categories of horses, the suffix with the ending means the plural: er - er-j-a, kuyov - kuyov-j-a, aka-uka-j-a.
In horses denoting children and young animals, the singular meaning of the ending is given by the suffix -onok (-onok), the plural - by the suffix at- (yat-), for example: preschool-enok-preschool-yat-a , hare-onok í-hare-at-a. Here: honey fungus - honey agarics, butter - boletus.
Postfix forms of collateral are formed: wash - wash, roll - roll.
The following forms are prefixed: a) high-level forms of adjectives: the best is the best, the highest is the highest; b) Perfect forms of the verb: draw - draw (table), build - not build (house).
The column as a grammatical tool usually comes with affixes. Chor: create - create, prove - prove. Only accents (without other means) rarely express grammatical meanings. Using a column, they are distinguished, for example: a) unit shapes. h. gender. pad. and others. h. they are. pad. horses: do-a (no) and de-d (goes well); windows (no) and windows (facing the street); b) forms of the type: pour - fill, cut - cut.
The exchange of sounds, like accents, is usually an additional means of distinguishing grammatical meanings. It is accompanied by affixation, for example: light and-th - light-a-th (t-w), cold and-th - cool-a-th (d-w), collection - collection (0-s ), send - send (0s).
Prefixes are widely used to express case values of horses, numbers, and rhymes. However, they usually come with (materially expressed and zero) numbers: house, house, house-0, house-g, house-e; tr-ex to tr-elgga, to whom, to whom, to whom, to whom, to whom.
The case values of invariant horses are represented independently (endlessly) by prepositions: I had lunch in a cafe (see dining room), left the cafe (see tables), stood in a cafe (see). .in the store). However, in such cases, not only the main sentence, but also the word management, the whole model of the sentence is involved in the expression of the meaning of the case. This is especially evident when this or that preposition is used in several cases. In the sense of Wednesday direction, constructions with v load (go to the cafe, enter the depot, take the subway - wine. P.) And places (sit in the cafe, work in the depot, meet in the subway - load). pad.). Wednesday also combinations with other excuses: put under the coat (wine pillow) - put under the coat (TV pillow), sit on the piano (wine pillow) - sit on the piano (TV pillow) i).
With the help of control, the meaning of horses is expressed in sentences: D satisfaction (with what?) Coat (tv. Pad.). There is no cafe on our street (gender pad.).
In morphology, grammatical meanings are rarely expressed using intonation. Intonation plays an active role in conveying different shades of imperative mood meaning. Wednesday: sit, move, fall. Stand up! Sit down! Stand up! Be quiet! Read. The main area of application of intonation to express grammatical meanings is syntax.
Auxiliary words, that is, words that do not have a specific lexical meaning, serve the grammatical needs of complete words. With the help of shaping particles, forms of imperative mood are formed: Let the storm be stronger! (Bitter). Long live hard work! - and the tendency to follow: I rested, I slept; forms of the following complex with the help of auxiliary verbs: I try, you read; comparative and excellent with the help of additives and adjectives
levels: cleaner, less clean; the most beautiful «, the least coming.2