CONCLUSION 1. The main requirements for the volume of grammatical material to be mastered in secondary school are: its sufficiency to use the language as a means of communication within the limits set by the program, and the reality for its acquisition in these conditions.
2. The need to limit grammatical material is due to the fact that in high school it is not possible to master the entire grammatical structure of the language, and a lot of time is spent on exercises to develop grammatical skills. Excessive assessment of the volume of grammatical material has a negative impact on the quality of students' mastery of it.
3. The basic principles of choosing an active grammatical minimum are: 1) the principle of prevalence in oral speech, 2) the principle of exemplary character, 3) the principle of exclusion of synonymous events. In accordance with these principles, the active minimum includes only those events that are absolutely necessary for productive types of speech activity.
4. The basic principles of choosing a passive grammatical minimum are: 1) the principle of generality in the style of speech written in the book, 2) the principle of uncertainty. In accordance with these principles, the most common phenomena of biblical speech style, which have a number of meanings, fall into the passive minimum.
5. The principle of functionality of the organization of grammatical material is extremely important. Grammatical events should not be studied in isolation from lexical material.
Thus, we can draw the following conclusions.
1. Grammatical skills of language means discursive-analytical skills of working with grammatical material. The formation of these types of skills is necessary in foreign language teaching because language skills provide a conscious indicative basis for the formation of speech grammatical skills.
2. Receptive-active grammatical skills provide automated correlation of auditory-speech-motor (listening) and visual-graphic (reading) images with their meanings. Passive-receptive skills provide the ability to recognize and understand grammatical events in a text, as well as the ability to decode the grammatical information of a text analytically.
3. The use of different games in foreign language lessons helps to improve students' grammar skills. Play-based presentation of grammatical events helps children better understand this material, as play remains one of the main activities for students at the secondary education level.
The game marks an important restructuring and the formation of new personal characteristics; it is in play that children learn the norms of behavior, play, teach, change, educate. In the third year of a child’s life, he or she masters the role play, becomes acquainted with human relationships, and discovers that experiences exist. The child develops the symbolic function of imagination and consciousness, which allows him to transfer the properties of some things to others, the orientation in their emotions emerges, the skills of cultural expression of them are formed. And it allows the child to be involved in team activities and communication. As a result of the development of play activities in preschool age, readiness for learning is formed.
E.I. Passov defines the following objectives of the use of the game in the learning process: the formation of certain skills; develop specific speaking skills; learning to communicate; development of necessary abilities and mental functions; memorization of speech material. Play activities affect the development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination, all cognitive processes. For example, the pedagogical and didactic significance of the business game is that it allows participants to express themselves, to learn to take an active position, to test themselves for professional fitness. However, it should be noted that the effectiveness of play as an educational tool depends on compliance with a number of requirements, for example: the presence of an imaginary situation, a plan in which students act; The result of the game by children, mandatory awareness of the rules of the game. The game is not just team entertainment. This is the main way to achieve all learning objectives, so it is necessary to: know exactly what skills and abilities are required, what the child did not know and learned during the game; the game should put the reader in front of the need for mental effort. This means that play is a teaching tool that activates students ’mental activity, makes the learning process more engaging and fun, makes you anxious and worried, and creates a strong incentive to learn the language.