A sentenceis a subject-predicate structure. What are the subject and the predicate? Grammatical subject can only be defined in terms of the sentence. Moreover the grammatical subject often does not indicate what we are ‘talking about’. Besides, this definition leaves out verbless sentences. There are one-member sentences. They are non-sentences? Conclusion – a sentence is a structural scheme.4 The birds have eaten all the fruit. It is getting cold.
Phonological: A sentence is a flow of speech between 2 pauses. But speech is made up of incomplete, interrupted, unfinished, or even quite chaotic sentences. Speech is made up of utterances but utterances seldom correspond to sentences. Thus, it is more preferable to describe a sentence than to define it. The main peculiar features of the sentence are: integrity, syntactic independence, grammatical completeness, semantic completeness, communicative completeness, communicative functioning, predicativity, modality, intonational completeness.
Predicativity is a syntactical category is actualized reference to reality. Logical understanding: combination of 2 parts of proposition. Formally syntactic understanding: relations of the structural components of the sentence (subject and predicate). Semantic approach: correlation of the contents of the utterance with the situation. The latter is most popular.
Modality is a semantic category is broader a notion than predicativity, it is revealed both in grammatical elements of language and its lexical, purely nominative elements. Prof. Pocheptsov: predicativity is mood plus tense (predicativity is broader than modality). According to structural features:simple and composite; two-member and one- member sentences. Elliptical and one-member sentences:
Marvelous! Horrible! How very interesting! No birds singing at the dawn (Strong resemblance to 2 member sentences). I saw him there. Yesterday (parselation).