Pipeline [ˈpaɪplaɪn]
1. There are 8 letters in this word.
2. There are 8 sounds in this word.
3. There are 4 syllables in it.
4. The first syllable is stressed.
5. There are 2 vowel sounds (e- soft, i- soft vowel).
According to the horizontal movement of the tongue: e- front, i-front
According to the vertical movement of the tongue: e-mid-open, i- open
According to the position of the lips: e- neutral, i- spread position
According to the quantitative features: e- short vowel, monophthong, i- short, diphthong.
6. There are 3 consonant letters: p, l, n
p- bilabial, plosive,
n- alveolar, nasal
l- alveolar, lateral
7. The second, third, fourth syllables are unstressed and vowel [i] give sound as [aɪ]. This is reduction of diagraphs. The letter [e] is omitted at the of the syllable. It is zero reduction.
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