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Activity 3a Read the text and give it a title

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Activity 3a Read the text and give it a title.
Objectives: to read for main ideas; to inform PP of the existence of music festivals in Uzbekistan; to encourage them to participate in the festivals
PP read the text silently. When they finish, ask them for their suggestions for a title. Ask them to explain why they suggest the title. Accept all reasonable answers.

Activity 3b Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
Objectives: to practise expressing opinions and giving reasons; to encourage PP to consider the purpose of such festivals and how it might be helpful for their development
Give PP a minute to think about their answers. You could let PP discuss in pairs first before answering.

1 Have you ever been to 'Umid Yulduzlari ?

2 Would you like to go to 'Umid Yulduzlari’9 Why/why not?
3 Would you like to take part or to listen? How do you think you would feel?

V. Post-activity
Play the board game

VI. Homework 5 min
Read the new words and their meaning. Translate the words in bold.
A band is a group of people who play modern music together. There are jazz bands, rock bands. The word ‘group’ is also used e.g. a folk group, a pop group.
A concert is music which is played for a lot of people, a performance given by musicians or singers.
To rehearse' means to practise something such as a play or concert before giving a
public performance.

VII. Evaluation. Giving marks

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