Boy 2: ‘i’ve got a book in my bag.’ (asks from a girl)‘What’s in your bag?’
Girl: ‘i’ve got an eraser in my bag.’ (asks from Boy 1)‘What’s in your bag?’
Boy 1: ‘i’ve got a ruler in my bag.’
STEP2:Ask the questions to play Chain Drill as in the DVD. STEP3:Ask the pupils to make groups of four. They will play “What’s in your bag?”. explain that to play this game, they should ask each other the question “What’s in your bag?” and an- swer “i’ve got a (an)… in my bag”, etc. as in the example below:
Pupil 1:‘i’ve got a ruler in my bag. What’s in your bag?’
Pupil 2: ‘i’ve got an eraser in my bag. What’s in your bag?’