Development of creative abilities of students and its prespects

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Bakhromova Sabina Akbarovna
Junior student in English philology faculty Karshi State University of Karshi city of Kashkadarya region.

Creativity is a synonym for the original way of thinking, that is, the ability to break the usual, accepted boundaries. Creativity is the entire process by which ideas are generated, developed and transformed into values. It comprises what people commonly mean by innovation and entrepreneurship. Creativity is about liberating human energy. It is the process of developing ideas that are original and of value. Creative intelligence is dynamic diverse and distinct. It is been imaginative or inventive, taking risk or challenging convention It is about original thinking. Creativity is associated with the achievements. In recent years researchers and educational writers have extended the general meaning of creativity so that it incorporates ideas about inventiveness and imagination. This reflects a growing acceptance that creativity is not simply about coming up with big ideas but coming up with practical solutions to everyday problems and then applying them to real life solutions. Creative education is based on individual needs and abilities. It requires freedom of learning and teaching. An active mode of learning influences innovative personality development which creates something unique. Functional education is a holistic and educational experience that is focused on the identification of situational problems, gathering of information to make decisions in a world of challenges and realities of life, enhancing users and end users to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes to showcase new concepts as a vehicle of globalizing such countries or state for meaningful co-existence, sustainability and developments (Adewale, 2014). Functional education should be capable of producing Nigerians who can manufacture raw materials, machines, and tools needed for local and international markets, invent new designs, discover drugs capable of curing diseases hitherto incurable and transform the nation from consumption to a manufacturing status (Udoh & Akpan, 2014).

To develop a person's creative abilities is, first of all, to foster a creative attitude to work. At the same time, work is considered as a source of the formation of cognitive activity, an independent attitude to the task at hand. A creative attitude to work is both the fostering of love for work and the desire to learn about its features, which in turn stimulate them to try their hand and achieve success. In the process of a creative attitude to work, such valuable qualities as perseverance, curiosity, purposefulness, initiative, independence, the ability to choose the best way and method of doing work are developed, i.e. those qualities without which creativity is impossible. "The development of students creative abilities by means of the subject"is relevant because at any time, people are needed who are able to actively and creatively solve the tasks they face. The leading pedagogical idea is considered to be the development of the creative abilities of students. In the process of teaching the subject, the following tasks are solved: instilling knowledge and skills in housekeeping, the formation of polytechnical knowledge and environmental culture, the development of independence and the ability to solve creative problems, providing students with opportunities for professional self-determination, fostering hard work and work culture, the development of aesthetic sense and artistic initiative. Based on the tasks set, the following ideas can be expressed:
1) Creativity must and can be taught;
2) Creativity is not a natural quality of the mind.
To form a creatively active personality capable of self-development, the following is used:
• Development of creative activity of students;
• Inclusion of students in creative activities;
• Use of methods of problem learning;
• Development of the qualities of creative thinking: independence, criticality, etc.
The development of students' creative abilities can be implemented based on the following
1) The principle of developing motivation for creative activity;
2) The principle of developing the skills of self-education and self-education;
3) The principle of the priority of creative activity.
Practical work must be done in the execution of projects. The emphasis is on getting students to practically imagine what they have invented. The people pay great attention to the design of projects. Any creative imagination should be encouraged, projects should be bright and colorful. For example, when choosing a model of an apron in the 5th grade, students are offered models of different degrees of complexity: a low level of education - a one-piece apron with the simplest elements of decoration; middle level - one-piece apron with patch pockets and trim; high level - a one piece apron with changes in details (for example, a heart-shaped pocket with a frill, a matryoshkashaped apron, etc.), introducing more complex finishing elements: appliqué, embroidery, ruffles, etc. In high school, we study more complex products - a dress, a robe, a blouse, which are modeled and cut out according to the student's plan. There is an ability to productively solve problems. The children are faced with a problem: how to change the basis of the pattern so that my product does not look like a friend's product. After learning the basics of cutting, modeling girls begin to solve problems. The productivity of creative work directly depends on the effectiveness of its leadership by the teacher. General intelligence is at the core of creativity. It is not necessary thata high level of development of intellectual abilities implies well-developed creative abilities. Problematic learning already during the introductory briefing forces the students to get involved in the work: think, decide, answer questions. Problem situations contribute to the formation of independent search skills based on the use of knowledge and experience. As practice confirms, the mistakes discovered by the students themselves are not repeated by them in the future. The use of problem learning technology allows students to develop creative thinking, as well as the ability to analyze and control their activities. Students become interested, there is confidence that the profession they are mastering is within their power. As a result, students are easier and more successful in completing assignments. Also, the use of game and information and communication technologies in the classroom increases interest in the academic subject. The use of computer technologies allows diversifying the forms of work, activating the attention of students, increasing the creative potential of the individual and motivation, stimulating the teacher's activity, simplifying the preparation for classes. The development of student’s creative abilities is the result of the use of elements of creativity in organizing the educational and cognitive process through creative work, projects, problematic, game situations, etc. This experience allows you to create qualitative performance criteria: positive emotional comfort in the classroom, high cognitive interest, most students are able to transfer previously acquired knowledge and skills to a new situation, a positive attitude towards the subject, the teacher.

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