Higher Education
Higher education is defined as courses that are of a standard that is higher than GCE
A level, the Higher Grade of the SCE/National Qualification, GNVQ/NVQ level 3 or
the Edexcel (formerly BTEC) or SQA National Certificate/Diploma. There are three
main levels of HE course:
(i) Postgraduate courses leading to
higher degrees, diplomas and
(including Doctorate, Masters (research and taught), Postgraduate
diplomas and
certificates as well as postgraduate certificates of education (PGCE) and
professional qualifications) which usually require a first degree as entry
(ii) Undergraduate courses which include first degrees (honours and ordinary), first
degrees with qualified teacher status, enhanced first degrees, first degrees
concurrently with a diploma, and intercalated first degrees (where first
degree students, usually in
medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine, interrupt
their studies to complete a one-year course of advanced studies in
a related
(iii) Other undergraduate courses which include all other higher education courses,
for example SVQ or NVQ: Level 5, Diploma (HNC/D level for diploma and
holders), HND (or equivalent), HNC (or equivalent) and SVQ or NVQ: Level 4 and
Diplomas in HE.
As a result of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992, former polytechnics and
some other HEIs were designated as universities in 1992/93. Students normally
attend HE courses at HEIs, but some attend at FE colleges.