General secondary education necessary knowledge, an skills of independent thinking, organizational ability and practical experience, initial career counseling and choice the next stage of education. For the development of abiliti and talents of children can be created specialized schools.
Secondary specialized vocational education, with duration of three years, on the basis of general secondary education is compulsory independent kind of continuing education system and implemented in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education " and " On the National Program for Training ."Secondary specialized vocational education provides in-depth study of basic knowledge and training to independent practical work in their chosen profession as an analyst.
Educational institutions of secondary special and professional education are academic lyceums and professional colleges, providing the necessary organizational educational , logistical an psychological- pedagogical conditions for the realization of the goals and objectives of this type of education.
CONCEPT OF HIGHER EDUCATION The term "Higher education" is understood as preparatio of experts of the top skills for branches of economy, a science, technics and culture, and т.д, possessing the systematised knowledge and practical skills which allow to solve theoretical and practical problems on a preparation profile, using and creatively developing modern achievements of a science, technics and culture.
The higher education system consists from:
The higher educational institutions realising educationa and professional programs according to the state educational standards irrespective of patterns of ownership and departmental subordination;
The scientific and pedagogical establishments performing research works, necessary for higher education development;
State bodies formation, and also the enterprises subordinated to them, establishments and the organisations.
The higher education has two steps: a bachelor degree an a magistracy.