English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What is the State Educational standard?

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What is the State Educational standard? *a) Minimized educational standards
What is the structural view to language? *a) It is the view behind the audio-lingual method
What is the topic about? It is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners who are physically distant from the source of that information and instruction *a) distance education
What is the word building? *a) To make a new word by combining words or adding some suffixation
What is TPR? *a) Total Physical Response
What is VAK? *a) Learning styles
What is VAK? *a) visual, auditory, kinesthetic
What is while reading? *a) Tasks draw on writing itself, help to communicate a message
What is while-activity? *a) what learners do while they are doing an activity
What kind of activity Info-Gap activity? *a) It is an activity where learners are missing the information they need to complete a task and need to talk to each other to find it.
What kind of activity is jig saw activity? *a) A type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task.
What kind of activity is true false activity?*a) It is a strategy of teaching students, where a teacher allows students to compare two different historical perspectives to the same question. It allows students to see differing opinions to the same problem and go about doing history. It is designed to add inquiry into the teaching of history.
What kind of intelligence of Psychological and cognitive concepts of EFL learning do we have? *a) all are correct
What level is called BREAKTHROUGH? *a) LEVEL A1
What level is called MASTERY? *a) LEVEL C2
What level is called THRESHOLD? *a) LEVEL B1
What level is called VANTAGE? *a) LEVEL B2

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