English 100 test Autonomous Learning

How can we raise our speaking skills?

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

69. How can we raise our speaking skills?
*a) all are true
b) through listening
c) through watching
d) through practicing

70. Is it important to use PW and GW?
* a) Yes it is important
b) no it is not important
c) only PW important
d) only GW important

71. What does Scanning stand for?
*a) reading a text for getting specific information such as dates, names, details, etc.
b) reading a text slowly.
c) reading a text fast
d) reading an article without paying attention

72. What does Skimming stand for?
*a) reading a text for understanding its gist.
b) reading an article without paying attention
c) reading a text fast
d) reading a text for getting specific information such as dates, names, details, etc.

73. Reading a text for getting specific information is...?
*a) Scanning
c) Warm up
d) Extensive

74. Reading a text for understanding its gist?
b) Scanning
c) Warm up
d) Extensive

75. What is role play?
*a) acting and imitation of characters
b) songs, poems
c) pair work
d) individual

76. What is the aim of role plays?
*a) to prepare the task and play
b) to sing the song
c) to say poems and anecdotes
d) not given

77. What is the importance of using didactic games in the lessons?
*a) all are true
b) to raise the learners’ intellectual skills
c) to raise the learners’ analytical skills
d) to raise learners’ critical thinking

78. “Discuss the situation with your partner!”,- what method is used in this instruction?
*a) In pairs
b) Individually
c) In groups
d) Whole class

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