English 100 test Autonomous Learning

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

45. Peer observation
*a) Observation of a teacher or trainee by a colleague of equal status.
b) Mode of work (individual work, pairwork, groupwork) used in learning or teaching
c) the study of teaching methods and approaches.
d) An activity to make learners feel less nervous or inhibited when they first meet

46. Self-correction
*a) Correction by a learner of her/his own mistakes – usually possible only in the case of post-systematic errors.
b) An activity to make learners feel less nervous or inhibited when they first meet
c) A term used to describe the state of a learner‘s language – somewhere between being a complete beginner and native speaker standard.
d) A term used to describe the state of a learner‘s language – somewhere between being a complete beginner and native speaker standard.

47. Second Language Acquisition (SLA)
*a) (in applied linguistics) the processes by which people learn or acquire a second or foreign language. These processes are often investigated with the expectation that information about them may be useful in language teaching.
b) Mode of work (individual work, pairwork, groupwork) used in learning or teaching
c) A term used to describe the state of a learner‘s language – somewhere between being a complete beginner and native speaker standard.
d) A term used to describe the state of a learner‘s language – somewhere between being a complete beginner and native speaker standard.

48. Fluency
*a) In second and foreign language teaching, fluency describes a level of proficiency in communication, which includes:
the ability to produce written and/or spoken language with ease and without significant hesitation
b) Mode of work (individual work, pairwork, groupwork) used in learning or teaching
c) A term used to describe the state of a learner‘s language – somewhere between being a complete beginner and native speaker standard.
d) A term used to describe the state of a learner‘s language – somewhere between being a complete beginner and native speaker standard.

49. Simulation
*a) Classroom or training activities which reproduce or simulate real situations and which often involve learners/participants in playing roles and group discussion in order to solve a problem or complete a given task.
b) In the opposite direction to the movement of the hands of a clock.
c) the study of second and foreign language acquisition and learning the study of language and linguistics in relation to practical problems, such as lexicography, translation or speech pathology.
d) a person who helps an individual or a whole group to learn and/or express themselves.

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