English 100 test Autonomous Learning

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

6. Comprehensible Input
*a) Input language which contains linguistic items that are slightly beyond the learner‘s present linguistic competence.
b) In the opposite direction to the movement of the hands of a clock.
c) the study of second and foreign language acquisition and learning the study of language and linguistics in relation to practical problems, such as lexicography, translation or speech pathology.
d) Techniques or procedures which a teacher uses to get learners to actively produce a response.

7. Facilitate
*a) To make a learning process possible or easier; to work with a group in order to help them to articulate ideas.
b) In the opposite direction to the movement of the hands of a clock.
c) the study of second and foreign language acquisition and learning the study of language and linguistics in relation to practical problems, such as lexicography, translation or speech pathology.
d) Techniques or procedures which a teacher uses to get learners to actively produce a response.

8. What kind of activity is true false activity?
*a) It is a strategy of teaching students, where a teacher allows students to compare two different historical perspectives to the same question. It allows students to see differing opinions to the same problem and go about doing history. It is designed to add inquiry into the teaching of history.
b) Establish a problem or a question. Pair the students. Give each pair sufficient time to form a conclusion.
c) On the heels of every topic introduction, but prior to formal lecturing, the teacher requires students to jot down questions pertaining to the subject matter on 3×5 index cards. The lecture begins after the cards are collected. Along the route, the teacher reads and answers the student-generated questions.
d) Rather than following the order of collection or some alphabetical name list, establish some system that evokes student guesswork concerning the order of student involvement.

  1. Method

a)*The procedures and techniques characteristic of teaching
b)A diagram which supposedly represents the brain or the mind: topics are clustered on the page together as they are believed to be collected in the brain.
c) An incorrect conception
d) The amount a learner or a student talk during a lesson

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