English 100 test Autonomous Learning

Teacher development goes beyond…

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

15. Teacher development goes beyond….
*a) initial training and deals with the on-going professional development of teachers, particularly in in-service education programmes.
b) Abilities, techniques, and strategies which are used when reading, writing, or listening for study purposes.
c)Classroom or training activities which reproduce or simulate real situations and which often involve learners/participants in playing roles and group discussion in order to solve a problem or complete a given task.
d) Correction by a learner of her/his own mistakes – usually possible only in the case of post-systematic errors.

16. Values are ….
*a) are the guiding principles (often moral or ethical in nature) that govern behaviour; they are typically rooted in tradition, religion or in individual or shared philosophy and in education they help to inform decisions at all levels, from national policy right through to the classroom.
b) Abilities, techniques, and strategies which are used when reading, writing, or listening for study purposes.
c) Classroom or training activities which reproduce or simulate real situations and which often involve learners/participants in playing roles and group discussion in order to solve a problem or complete a given task.
d) Correction by a learner of her/his own mistakes – usually possible only in the case of post-systematic errors.

17. Attitudes….
*a) the way that a person thinks and feels about somebody, something; the way that a person behaves towards somebody, something that shows how he, she thinks and feels. In a classroom this may show itself in a teacher‘s attitude to learners or in a learner‘s attitude to a foreign language and the culture associated with it, for example.
b) are the guiding principles (often moral or ethical in nature) that govern behaviour; they are typically rooted in tradition, religion or in individual or shared philosophy and in education they help to inform decisions at all levels, from national policy right through to the classroom.
c) Classroom or training activities which reproduce or simulate real situations and which often involve learners/participants in playing roles and group discussion in order to solve a problem or complete a given task.
d) Correction by a learner of her/his own mistakes – usually possible only in the case of post-systematic errors.

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