English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What are the characteristics of the communicative approach?

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What are the characteristics of the communicative approach? *a) Focuses on learner and teacher is just a facilitator; lays less stress on grammar and emphasis on language in use rather than language as structure. It stresses on the semantic objective of the language, which means the meaning of language in real life situation and contexts
What are the main principles in giving and receiving feedback? *a) All answers are correct
What competence did Dell Hymes consider as the main purpose of teaching language?*a) Communicative competence
What does "pre-writing" mean? *a) tasks prepare for writing, arouse learners` interest
What does “authentic” mean?*a) Real
What does “Group work” stand for? Find the correct definition. *a) mode of doing a task or activity in small groups
What does CEFR stand for? *a) Common European Framework of References
What does ICT stand for? *a) Information and Communication Technologies Show the special sign of e-mail. *a) @
What does IELTS stand for? *a) International English language testing system
What does IELTS stand for? *a) International English language testing system
What does it mean pre-writing? *a) Tasks prepare for writing, arouse learners` interest
What does Scanning stand for? *a) reading a text for getting specific information such as dates, names, details, etc.
What does Skimming stand for? *a) reading a text for understanding its gist.
What does the C.E.F.R. stand for? *a) Common European Framework of Reference
What helps to develop listening skills? *a) all are correct
What helps to develop listening skills? *a) all are correct
What is “learner- centered” lesson? *a) The pupils will be involved actively in the lesson.
What is a microteaching? *a) a mini-lesson that participants teach to each other in order to practice what they have learned

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