English 100 test Autonomous Learning

Give the definition of “Group work”

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

Give the definition of “Group work”*a) mode of doing a task or activity in small groups
Give the definition of “Pair work” *a) mode of doing a task or activity in pairs.
How can we raise our speaking skills? *a) all are true
How do visual learners learn best? *a) By seeing
How many aspects in speaking *a) 2
How many criteria are there in CEFR?*a) 6
How many demerits of communicative approach do you know?*a) 4
How many levels are there in CEFR? *a) 6
How many levels of CEFR are there? *a) 6
How many stages does lesson planning have in storytelling lessons? *a) 3
How the meanings of words are given in monolingual dictionary? *a) English- English
How’s called an activity to make learners feel less nervous or inhibited when they first meet? *a) icebreaker
Information gap is …. *a) An activity in which a pair or two groups of students hold different information, or where one partner knows something that the other doesn’t and it gives a real purpose to a communication activity
Integrated skills *a) All of the language skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing) together. Integrated skills activities bring together different language skills (e.g. learners discuss a writing assignment, thus practicing listening, speaking and writing).
Interaction pattern *a) Mode of work (individual work, pairwork, groupwork) used in learning or teaching
Interlanguage *a) A term used to describe the state of a learner‘s language – somewhere between being a complete beginner and native speaker standard.
Is it important to use PW and GW? * a) Yes it is important
It is about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. This method often involves simply observing what happens to… *a) Case study
Jigsaw – *a) a type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task

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