English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What level is called WAYSTAGE?

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What level is called WAYSTAGE? *a) LEVEL A2
What method is cluster? *a) is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups
What problems do usually teachers have in the lessons when they teach listening to the pupils? *a) pupils don’t understand the passage
What role does the facilitator play in the EFL classroom? *a) helper of the student
What should be a listening task? *a) it should be close to the real life
What should be a listening task? *a) it should be close to the real life
What should be done to organize extracurricular activities? *a) to prepare the plan and scenarios
What stages are there in the listening lessons? *a) Pre-, while- and post listening
What stages are there in the reading lessons? *a) Pre-, while- and post reading
What stages are there in the writing lessons?*a) Pre-, while- and post writing
When was adopted the Resolution №1875 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further improve foreign language learning system”?*a) December 10, 2012
Which answer can be pros of communicative approach? *a) It develops the speech ability among the students, teaches different ways of expression, it is based on the practical effectiveness; it lays more stress on the functional value of language; it enables the students to converse their ideas both inside and outside the classroom
Which column stands for vocabulary presenting technique? *a) All are correct
Which of the international testing system has the formats "academic" and "general"? *a) IELTS
Who are auditory learners? *a) learners who learn information best by listening to it
Who is auditory learner? *a) Who learn best by listening
Who learns best by listening? *a) auditory learners

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