English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What is the word building?

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

51. What is the word building?
*a) To make a new word by combining words or adding some suffixation
b) To mean new items
c) Describing with collocations or giving alternative version
d) Speaking in fluency

52. What is listening for the specific detail?
*a) Listen for specific information
b) Listen for the main gist
c) To mean new items
d) Independent thinking

53. What is the fluency in speaking?
*a) To follow norms while speaking
b) To use jargons while speaking
c) To follow grammar structures while speaking
d) Matching sentences

54. Find the strategies of reading.
*a) Scanning and skimming
b) Translation
c) Paraphrasing and redundant
d) Matching sentences

55. What is the lesson plan?
*a) The map of lesson
b) The Sequence of the lesson
c) The process of the lesson
d) Not stated

56. What is the State Educational standard?
*a) Minimized educational standards
b) Max standards
c) Education norms for primary classes
d) Education norms for upper classes

57. What is the level of the 1-4th classes by SES in continuous education system of Uzbekistan?
*a) A1
b) A1+
c) A2
d) A2+

58. What is the level of the 5-9th classes by SES in continuous education system of Uzbekistan?
*a) A2
b) A1
c) A1+
d) A2+

59. What is scanning technique for reading activity?
*a) reading a text quickly to find specific information (names, places, dates, numbers, etc.)
b) making guesses about the meaning of words by looking at the surrounding words or situation
c) reading a text quickly to get the main idea
d) reading carefully for detailed understanding (e.g., main ideas, vocabulary, details)

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