English 100 test Autonomous Learning

____________ has become the most important tool for delivering distance education

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

78. ____________ has become the most important tool for delivering distance education.
*a) Internet
b) Coursebook
c) Self-education
d) Project

79. What does IELTS stand for?
*a) International English language testing system
b) International English language teaching system
c) Innovative English language testing system
d) Informational English language teaching system

80. ___________________ is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners who are physically distant from the source of that information and instruction
*a) Distance education
b) Traditional education
c) Interactive education
d) Compulsory education

81. Which of the international testing system has the formats "academic" and "general"?

82. What is CLT?
*a) communicative language teaching
b) complex language teaching
c) community language teaching
d) communication language teaching

83. What does “Group work” stand for? Find the correct definition.
*a) mode of doing a task or activity in small groups
b) mode of doing a task or activity when a pupil, participant does the work alone
c) mode of doing a task or activity in pairs.
d) mode of doing a task or activity when everybody in the class participates

84. What is post-activity?
*a) what is done after an activity, usually the next logical step
b) what is done before an activity to prepare learners for skills work
c) what learners do while they are doing an activity
d) preparing learners for an activity by introducing new language or a topic

85. What is while-activity?
*a) what learners do while they are doing an activity
b) what is done after an activity, usually the next logical step
c) what is done before an activity to prepare learners for skills work
d) preparing learners for an activity by introducing new language or a topic

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