English 100 test Autonomous Learning

Choose the inputs of tactile children

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

33. Choose the inputs of tactile children
*a) real life objects that children touch can as well as toys and puppets (it is important to make sure that the child can actually touch the objects and not merely look at them
b) songs, chants, poems, stories read aloud, environment sounds (rains, cars, trucks, animals, vacuum cleaners, computer’s printers, people walking)
c) environment sounds (rains, cars, trucks, animals, vacuum cleaners, computer’s printers, people walking)
d) pictures such as drawings, sketches, photograph, paintings, posters, murals, diagrams

34. What is the topic about? It is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners who are physically distant from the source of that information and instruction
*a) distance education
b) education
c) educational system
d) information and instructions

35. Fill the gap. … has become the most important tool for delivering distance education.
*a) internet
b) book
c) e-book
d) e-mail

36. What does IELTS stand for?
*a) International English language testing system
b) Educational process
c) It is a distance learning
d) It is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners who are physically distant from the source of that information and instruction

37. What is ETS?
*a) Educational Testing Service
b) It is the language students use in study groups and everyday university situations, such as buying books at the bookstore.
c) It is the same language professors use when they discuss coursework or concepts with students.
d) educational process

38. What is CEFR?
*a) A common reference for describing language learning, teaching, and assessment.
b) It is the language students use in study groups and everyday university situations, such as buying books at the bookstore.
c) It is the same language professors use when they discuss coursework or concepts with students.
d) educational process

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