English 100 test Autonomous Learning

What are the characteristics of the communicative approach?

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English 100 test Autonomous Learning

16. What are the characteristics of the communicative approach?
*a) Focuses on learner and teacher is just a facilitator; lays less stress on grammar and emphasis on language in use rather than language as structure. It stresses on the semantic objective of the language, which means the meaning of language in real life situation and contexts
b) Focuses on an accurate pronunciation and grammar, as well as emphasizing vocabulary teaching
c) Action orientedness is the prime and sole feature of this approach
d) It is based on thinking and analyzing and critical writing as well as giving emphasis on understanding and applying and not repeating

17. Which answer can be pros of communicative approach?
*a) It develops the speech ability among the students, teaches different ways of expression, it is based on the practical effectiveness; it lays more stress on the functional value of language; it enables the students to converse their ideas both inside and outside the classroom
b) It develops listening. The use of visual aids has proven its effectiveness in vocabulary teaching
c) It aims at developing handwriting, spelling, punctuation and structure
d) Grammar is dominant in this approach

18. Jigsaw –
*a) a type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task
b) an activity where participants move and talk to each other
c) an activity used to orient learners to a new topic or area of focus
d) an activity where the students comment on the given topic and show their critical approach

19. A typical communicative activities involve…
*a) Role-play, info gap activities, jigsaw, etc.
b) Scanning, skimming, role-play
c) Extensive reading, role-play
d) Multiple-choice tests, writing a dictation
20. Main principles of CLT:
*a) Interactive mode of work, natural and spontaneous (free) use of language, meaningful communication, and meaning has primacy over form, b) balance between fluency and accuracy
c) Grammar dominance in teaching, vocabulary in context, scanning
d) Skimming, transferable skills, interaction
Interaction, writing strategies, writing

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